Kyle Dwyn

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Clan Caitiff
Position None
Status 1
Domain None
Coterie None
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 000
Player Corey



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  • "Kings Joker"

Real Name:

  • Eric Godberd

Apparent Age:


  • Describing terms
    • Gentleman Thief
    • Consulting Criminal
  • Reasons for Criminal intent
    • It's not for wealth, but for Adventure
    • It's not just a "crime", but an Artform
    • These are criminal acts without Malice
    • The thrill of the experience

This wiki represents the information a character would be able to get on Kyle Dwyn using basic Camarilla lore. All information you find here is fair game for in-character use. Please note that this information, as "public knowledge," may include charades, diversions, or rumors of varying validity.

Physical description:

Detailed Status:
Acknowledged by ?

Character Information

Known History

I always figured Life had a different side to it. Something that gave it enriched undertones and subtle hues of brilliance and contrast. The exaltation of that finding and the misery of the depth of hell it would bring me to, suffuses my life in a cacophony of highs, lows, and drunken inbetweens.

Who Kyle really is is often times a mystery even to himself. His embrace was a more exquisite torture than he had ever experienced. His human life just as strange as his Kindred life....

Following in historical family footsteps, Kyle Dwyn is a Kindred who enjoys the challenge of the night. (Roger Godberd was a medieval outlaw who has been suggested as a possible historical basis for the legend of Robin Hood.

Status Flaw: Notoriety

Kyle Dwyn is an Anarch Sympathizer within the Camarilla. Loyal wholeheartedly to the Camarilla as a Sect, but he isn't afraid to talk about the abuses of power and the problems with the "system" as it exists within the Modern nights. Kyle supports a strong Prince, just like a strong Primogen Council to keep said Prince in check. Like any Sympathizer, he actively opposes any prince who exercises his royal authority too often or too strongly. While not a true anarch, being within the Camarilla still earns him the moniker of "Anarch Sympathizer". According to Kyle, He agrees with the Anarch goal & mindset, just not the method and the brash extreme teen-agnst. When you rebel so strongly against the system, you cease trying to change the system, and instead try to tear the foundation down, defeating the purpose of "bettering" the establishment. Kyle believes the Camarilla must change in order to survive the modern nights, but that the foundation of the Camarilla is still a viable framework. And so, while he supports the ideals of the Anarch movement... He does not support their methods. Instead, he believes change must come from within the Camarilla, in accordance with their ways of doing business, in order to truly effect change. Because of that stance, Kyle is frequently in the cross-hairs of those well founded within the establishment who do not believe the Camarilla must bend or change itself to survive. Oddly enough, given the Camarilla of the United States, it seems members of the Camarilla have already been doing the same thing. Often times, it appears that Domains are run like Camarilla/Anarch Domains anyways... At least, that's what Kyle pretends to believe.



Law Enforcement


He calls himself the "King's Ace". Mostly to mock me, but also to create a suitable moniker for himself. In a way, it has drawn us together, as he is the brother I never had, and the enemy I wish I had never met. You see, he is someone I utterly respect, despise, and could not function without him in my life. One of my broodmates once asked me why I didn't just kill him previously, since I hate him so much. And I had to explain, within this life, it is so hard to find a decent rival to enjoy. Someone to plot against, move against, and generally have hostile feelings towards, all the while, remaining a gentleman... Why killing would be a disgrace. If either one of us killed the other, it would showcase the final victory of the deceased over the living. To resort to such a base act in order to eliminate a rival. The very idea goes against every concept of what it means to be an upright standing Thief! Oddly enough, we still meet occasionally to enjoy eachother's company. A game of Billards, Darts, or just a quiet night watching the flickering of flames in the hearth.

I hate him. I despise him. But should anyone kill him, I will utterly destroy them for murdering my friend.

Mistress of the Night (Sire)

Selina Kyle
I'm not quite sure what clan Selina is from, or even if she has one. She remarked that she had grown past such failings as being defined by blood, and all other discussions on the topic end up in a tirade against the bias and prejudice against someone based on clan.

My Sire, Selina, was an Anarch. A bit of an extremist, but in a way, we are all in one way or another. I know she's got a beef with the Sabbat, something about her brother (blood or lineage, i'm not sure). I think he was taken in by them, and became a part of them, but she won't delve further into it for us. She's also got a beef with the Camarilla. Mostly because they're so static, it takes the end of the world to get them to do anything.

One of the more interesting things is the commentaries that Selina gives regarding the various United States Domains and how they're turning bit by bit into an Anarchistic mindset. Across the US, look at how many Traditions are broken every couple of weeks by "Camarilla Loyal" minions. Look at how many Kindred (both young & old) die every year within the Camarilla. Why in the last ten years alone, she says, the Camarilla has lost somewhere between one and two thousand Kindred, alledgely "loyal" to the Camarilla.

The Camarilla isn't strong enough to be an enemy, she says, but is a weak & sickly animal that is dying and doesn't even know it. She really doesn't care if any of us kids join the Camarilla, as long as we don't drink the poisoned Koolaid.

Children of the Same Mistress (Broodmates and their Alias's)

Carrie Sandiego
Roderick Skinner
Simon Temple
Jimmy Worth

Character Inspirations

François Toulour (Ocean's 12) Best known alias, “Night Fox”, Toulour is a French Baron and master thief, whose skills are rivaled only by Danny Ocean. The opposite of Ocean, Toulour specializes as a Cat Burglar; as such, his jobs are more physically demanding and seemingly carried out by him alone, whereas Ocean prefers using the 'Long Con' approach to slowly manipulate the situation to his favor.

Robin Hood (spelled Robyn Hode in older manuscripts) is a heroic outlaw in English folklore, a highly skilled archer and swordsman. He has become known for "robbing from the rich and giving to the poor". In the earliest sources, Robin Hood is a yeoman, but he was often later portrayed as an aristocrat wrongfully dispossessed of his lands and made into an outlaw by an unscrupulous sheriff.

Jack MacLean, titled the "Superthief" by cops & robbers, was known as a legend as so few knew anything about him. His life of crime made him so wealthy that when police caught up with him he owned a multi-million dollar mansion, a Hughes 300C Helicopter and a $40,000 speed-boat. MacLean is widely accepted as one of the most intelligent burglars ever to be arrested, with genius level IQ and an extremely vast knowledge of alarm systems and electronics in general.

Bill Mason is an infamous Jewel Thief. Mason’s heists were often extremely dangerous, as he reached high-rise apartments utilizing his climbing talent. During the night-time burglary at the apartment of Armand Hammer, he scaled a 15-story building during a storm. He would plan a burglary extremely carefully, researching any possible security system that could possibly thwart him, before finding ways to overcome them. Mason once stole an Olympic Gold Medal belonging to Johnny Weissmuller, though he mailed it back to Weissmuller months after the theft, because of the guilt of stealing something with such sentimental value.

Charles Peace is commonly cited as one of the most prolific cat-burglars in history. He broke into thousands of houses during his lifetime, and maintained his criminal activity throughout his natural life. He was born in Sheffield, England, in 1832, though he earned his infamous reputation for burglaries committed while living in London. Peace was also a violent individual and he committed various murders during his lifetime, and often attempted to kill police officers who took him into custody. He became a wanted fugitive after shooting a man in Sheffield following an argument. Eventually his travels brought him to London, where he committed his most skilled heists over the course of 2 years. During the day he was a well-dressed and respected violinist who performed at local concerts. By night he would burgle fancy houses while the owners were asleep. On one notable occasion, the owners woke up during a burglary and set their Bulldog on Peace, who responded by punching it in the face, killing the poor animal, before escaping.

Adam Worth (1844–January 8, 1902) was an American criminal. Scotland Yard detective Robert Anderson nicknamed him "the Napoleon of the criminal world", and he is commonly referred to as "the Napoleon of Crime."

Professor James Moriarty, the archnemesis of Sherlock Holmes
Leslie Charteris's Simon Templar "The Saint"
Carmen Sandiego (Character)
Selina Kyle (Catwoman)
Rodney Skinner in League of Extraordinary Gentlemen.

Mindset Quotes

  • Jim Moriarty (BBC Version)
    • "Every fairy tale needs a good old-fashioned villain. You need me or you're nothing — because we're just alike, you and I. Except you're boring. You're on the side of the angels."
  • Doctor Who
    • Rose: Doctor, they've got guns.
    • The Doctor: And I don't. And that makes me the better person, don't you think? They can shoot me dead, but the moral high ground is mine.
  • "The Saint", Simon Templar
    • Emma Russell: Who are you?
    • Simon Templar: Nobody has a clue. Least of all me.


"Morally speaking, what I do is wrong based on the surrounding societies cultural hangups. That doesn't ~Make~ it wrong, just that ~society~ says it's wrong. There is a difference."


"Sunlight" by Modestep
"Put on those Shades / And wave to yesterday / The sunlight hurts my eyes"
