Ellenor Dears

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Revision as of 04:54, 23 December 2011 by CCC-005 (talk | contribs) (Character Inspirations)
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Clan Toreador
Position None
Status 2
Domain Peoria, IL
Coterie None
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 0000
Player Lizzy-kins Smith



Ellenor Dears

The Voiceless Rose, Ellie
Real Name:
Ellenor Dears
Apparent Age:
First Lady/Silent Politician/
Physical description:
Ellenor Dears stands about 5'8" wearing clothing mixed with the newest fashion with a sense of style from her past. She wears a red wool coat and a pleat black skirt. She has long blonde hair, piercing blue eyes to complement. She looks very healthy for a kindred and could be mistaken for a mortal. Sometimes she changes her hair color for the occasion or party. Colors that she has seen wearing are: Black, Red and Black, Blonde, Blonde with blue, and good old blonde.
Detailed Status:
Acknowledged by Queen Anne
Infuential by Queen Anne.

Character Information

Known History

To be filled out soon...



Clan Toreador


None worth mentioning...


Lucas Matharin (Deceased)


Cornelius Madison (NPC)
Antonius St. Arcayedes
(Two other Childer in Background... looking for In Game Childer)


None that she knows of...

Character Inspirations

The Piano
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u83xIXliIXY&feature=related Little Women (Amy)


Club Mixes
Brand New - Daisy (Adventure Club Dubstep Remix)



"Granted I would prefer to find a suitor in the Clan Ventrue. Maybe it's the high society woman in me and the smell of money that they bring." -Ellenor

"If you can't do it with words do it with a smile, they will get the point." -Ellenor

"ARE YOU AN INFERNALIST!" -Prince Dunstin (Yelling)
In American Sign Language "No, and I am not deaf either I am mute." -Ellenor


Ellenor cakes her face with makeup to make herself prettier than she really is.
She says she is younger then she is.
She says she is older then she is.