Miguel Monjardim

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Clan Nosferatu
Position Primogen
Status 5 : 3+1+1
Domain Maringá, Brazil
Coterie None
Society Josians
Path ??? -
Player Leo


Miguel usando máscara de mil faces para um italo-brasileiro genérico.


Miguel Monjardim
Mr. Monjardim

Real Name: unknown

Apparent Age: 30

Concept: Mafia Boss

Physical description: Short brown hair, brown eyes, fair skin, thin build, dresses in formal suits with gloves (with obfuscate 3).

Relevant merits/combos: None

Detailed Status:

Recognized by Diana Stavros, Prince of Vitoria (1935)

Dedicated by the Primogen Andrea Borgia, for having worked hard to prevent Anarchists from settling in Cariacica, helping to convince them that the lands of Fundão would be more suitable for them (1964)

Perspicacious by the Sovereign Prince Philip Pendragon (2024), for the courage to make difficult yet wise decisions, which led us to victory in the arduous battle against the enemy Blackmail in the Great Victory.

Feared as Josian.

Revered as Primogen of Nosferatu Clan (Maringá)

Character Information

He is very distant from other members and prefers to be in the shadowns than the ligths. Also, almost all time he has two or more bodyguards with him.

Known History

  • It's from the rich family Monjardim of Vitoria.
  • He loves the ocean.




Clan Nosferatu

Estevan Gutierrez, Nosferatu

St. Alexis Di Bolvazz, Gargoyle of clan Tremere

Prince Ryah Massoud, Assamite Prince of Ouro Preto


Camaleão, Sabbat Infiltrator (decesead)

Blackmail, Sabbat Leader (decesead)


Bruce de Winchester, Former Sheriff of Vitoria (decesead)





Character Inspirations

Corleone Family (The Godfather)



É um anarquista infiltrado

Ele é odiado pelo clã Nosferatu por ser um artista

Ele fuma para esconder seu cheiro

É um pintor ou escultor