Enrique Villalobos

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Clan Lasombra Anti
Position Primogen
Status 2+2
Domain João_Pessoa,_Brazil
Coterie None
Society E-Division
Path Humanity ???
Player El Lobo


"Mr Villalobos"
"El Lobo"

El Lobo

Real Name:

Apparent Age:
Early to Mid 40's


Physical description:

Enrique Villalobos is usually known for his family's enormous wealth, but his looks also draw attention. With a unique style, he is easily recognized by his eyes, one black and one brown. His physique is lean and tall, with a firm and sure posture.
But what really draws the most attention to Enrique is his gaze. With large, deep-set eyes, he conveys mystery and intensity, as if hiding a secret behind them. His smile is a rare treat, but when it happens, it's a joy to behold. His tone of voice is soft, but at the same time, striking. He talks with emotion and delivery, conveying his messages with clarity and sensitivity. His voice has the power to move and inspire, touching the hearts of those who hear it.

OOC: Relevant traits: Fame: entrepreneur, Fascinating Gaze, Natural Leader, Aura of Command, Ambidextrous, Distinguishing Characteristic (one brown and other black eye), Clan Weakness: Lasombra (cast no reflex).


Enrique Villalobos é conhecido usualmente pela enorme fortuna da sua família, mas sua aparência também chama atenção. Com um estilo único, ele é facilmente reconhecido por seus olhos, um negro e outro castanho e sua barba farta. Seu físico é magro e alto, com uma postura firme e segura.

Mas o que mais chama atenção em Enrique é o seu olhar. Com olhos grandes e profundos, ele transmite mistério e intensidade, como se escondesse um segredo por trás deles. Seu sorriso é raro, mas quando acontece, é sincero e iluminado. Seu tom de voz é suave, mas, ao mesmo tempo, marcante. Ele conversa com emoção e entrega, transmitindo suas mensagens com clareza e sensibilidade. Sua voz tem o poder de emocionar e inspirar, tocando o coração de quem o ouve.

OOC: Características relevantes: Fama: Empreendedor, Olhar Fascinante, Líder Nato, Aura de Comando, Ambidestria, Característica marcante (um olho negro e um olho castanho), Fraqueza de Clã: Lasombra (não possui reflexo).

Detailed Status:

Character Information

Known History

The son of an aristocratic family from the Brazilian's Northeast, with large companies in the fishing industry, Enrique Villalobos is an important and well-known bachelor.
When Enrique Villalobos was recently elected CEO of the family companies and, his first action was to fire his own father and to commit his mother to an asylum.


Filho de uma família aristocrática do Nordeste brasileiro, com grandes empresas do ramo pesqueiro, Enrique Villalobos é um solteirão importante e conhecido.
Quando Enrique Villalobos foi recentemente eleito CEO das empresas familiares e, sua primeira ação foi demitir o próprio pai e internar a mãe em um asilo.


Barão Alencastro
Beatrice Giangaleazzo
Erick MacGregor
Isabel de Corazon



Vigo de Toralha

Places of Power

The Domain of Parahyba
Museu Casa de Cultura Hermano José

Character Inspirations

  • Bruce Wayne in Batman Beyond
  • The Darkness, from Marc Silvestri, Garth Ennis and David Wohl comics
  • The Capulet Family, in Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo + Juliet
  • Cory Ellison, from The Morning Show



  • My worst nightmare? You have no idea what my nightmares are like...
  • “Now by the stock and honour of my kin, To strike him dead I hold it not a sin.” ― Tybald Capulet, in Romeo and Juliet. Act 1, Scene 5, lines 55-6
  • “There are different kinds of darkness(...)There is the darkness that frightens, the darkness that soothes, the darkness that is restful.”(...)“There is the darkness of lovers, and the darkness of assassins. It becomes what the bearer wishes it to be, needs it to be. It is not wholly bad or good.” ― Sarah J. Maas, A Court of Mist and Fury
  • “It cannot be seen, cannot be felt, / Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt, / It lies behind stars and under hills, / And empty holes it fills, / It comes first and follows after, / Ends life, kills laughter.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit


  • Enrique discovered only after his election as CEO that the empire his father had built was on the verge of bankruptcy.
  • Enrique was embraced during a full Solar eclipse.


  • Enrique descobriu somente após sua eleição como CEO que o império que seu pai havia construído estava à beira da falência.
  • Enrique foi abraçado durante um eclipse total do Sol.