Trold the Rock

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Clan Gargoyle
Position None
Status Acknowledged
Domain São José dos Campos, Brazil
Coterie None
Society ???
Path Humanity 000
Player Erico


Trold without masks

Alias:The Rock

Real Name: Anthony Trold

Apparent Age: not aplicable

Concept: Gentle Monster

Physical description:
1,95m tall, burly silhouete, many bestial motifs revolving around birds of prey, specially owls. Notable traits include: booth hand and feet resembling raptorial claws, hands with longer fingers (dexterous) while feet with oposing fingers (sturdier); Feather like structures over the entire body, forming layers of hard material; An owl like beak over the mouth; And feathery like wings.

Detailed Status:
Reconhecido pelo Principe Soberano Calton Khalmyr em Novembro de 2019.

Destemido segundo o Principe Soberano Calton Khalmyr em Maio de 2023.

Resiliente concedido pelo Príncipe Soberano Dijan, por sua inabalável atuação na proteção dos membros contra o infernal, em Julho de 2024.


Aknowledged by Calton Kalmir, Sovereign Prince of São Jose dos Campos, in January 2021

Fearless by Soverign Prince Calton Khalmyr on May of 2023.

Resilient by Prince Dijan, in July of 2024.

Character Information

Known History

Mask for Members

Trold joined the Anarch Movement after being unwillingly "freed" by his first Master, and endured his years within the movement feeling as "a fish out of water". Upon the Decree of Justicar Lotharius regarding the recognition of the Gargoyles lineage as part of Tremere clan, published at the end of 2020, Trold presented himself to Exalted Calton Kalmir, Prince of São José dos Campos, asking for his hospitality. Upon this event he was introduced and recognized as a Camarilla member of the Tremere Clan.

Trold se juntou ao Movimento Anarquista depois de ser compulsoriamente libertado por seu primeiro Mestre, e suportou seus anos no movimento sentindo-se "um peixe fora da água". Com o Decreto do Justicar Lotharius a respeito do reconhecimento da linhagem das Gargulas como parte do Clã Tremere, publicado no fim de 2020, Trold apresentou-se ao Exaltado Calton Kalmir, Príncipe de São José dos Campos, pedindo por sua hospitalidade. Após o ocorrido ele foi introduzido e reconhecido como membro da Camarilla, e do Clã Tremere.








Character Inspirations

Andrew in The Bicentennial Man;
Alphonse from Full Metal Alchemist;
Number 5 from Short Circuit;


Moonlight Sonata, Mv1 - Adagio Sostuneto - Beethoven


- Yes, my lord.
- ... (just silence)
- Actually...
