Marcos Aurélio - Deceased

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Clan Tremere
Position Harpy
Status Cherished
Domain Florianópolis, SC/Brazil
Coterie ???
Society {{{Society}}}
Path ??? ???
Player Marcos Aurélio



Marcos Aurélio

Marcos Aurélio

Real Name:

Apparent Age: 25

Concept: Bon Vivant

Physical description:

Detailed Status:

Cherished by Prince Hans Grunnin Von Hunsrück Influential by position of Harpy of Grande Florianópolis.

Character Information

Known History

Came from Tel Aviv to Grande Florianópolis in 2010, searchin for his sire. Found out that she was killed in 1960, as a result of acions of a Malkavian. Has been living in the city ever since, looking for the truth behind his sire's murder.

In the beginning of 2011, was chosed by the Primogen to be the Harpy of Grande Florianópolis.






Anna Maria Gansen



Character Inspirations

Maryann Forrester - True Blod

Jack Sparrow - Pirates of the Caribean


"All I wanna do is have some fun before I die..."


This place is... boring.

How cheesy.


Depending on his mood, he can be very calm or very nervous.

He told the Counsel of Primogen that never wanted to be a Harpy. At the same night, he was chosen for the job.

All Tremere can throw fireballs, so does he.

Some of the finest parties in Florianópolis' Camarilla are hosted by him.

M.A. bets with a Toreador who gets in more member's pants, nale or female. He usually wins.

It took a long time of his unlife before he started to get really interested in the Camarilla whereabouts.

People who meet him guess he is either a Toreador, a Brujah or a Gangrel, but never a Tremere.

A tremendous feeling of boredom seems to be his driving force.

He is a somehow old Tremere who went crazy, and never got better.

A Gangrel and a Toreador were seen in a car with him, all naked.

His hand was cut in a bar fight once.

One of his parties include a Malkavian, a male and a female mortals, a dog, and wall paint.

The only enemy he has ever had is dead. Apparently, he had nothing to do with it.

Different people go to his parties, from ghouls to Archons.

Many people like him but just don't know why.

One of his greatest political maneuver included an orgy, a Seneschal, three deads and a frenzy.

He really likes wine, drugs and sex. Preferably, together.