Chasyn Gentry

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Clan Assamite
Position Sheriff
Status 3+1
Domain Boston, MA
Coterie ???
Society ???
Path Humanity Template:8dots
Player Mel Lopez


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Real Name: Chasyn Gentry

Apparent Age: 22

Concept: Country Singer

Physical description:

Detailed Status:

Character Information

Known History

The below are things you've probably heard about her as she been interviewed quite a number of times over the years and while isn't proud of her past, doesn't hide from it.

Chasyn was born in Crawfordville, GA the youngest of a set of triplets. While she was always smiling on the outside, her upbringing was anything but cheerful. Her parents drank too much and her brothers Creedance and Christian helped protect her against their abuse. Her brothers pushed her into music to help her escape and then in high school she won a local talent contest and was offered a record deal. From there her career skyrocketed and she hurried to leave her home and life behind her much to the joy of her brothers. In the news she was said to be in this sweet relationship with her manager, Jake and was the envy of other women. As she will tell you though, history has a way of repeating itself. And behind closed doors, Jake was just as her parents had been her entire childhood. But still she kept a smile on her face and covered the bruises with makeup so no one would know. For longer than she would care to admit, this was her life. Until 2017 when her and her friend Jessie happened into the wrong (or right based on who you ask) club in Stamford, CT.

That is when her life truly began, with Calvin Butler. He introduced her to the kindred world, making her his ghoul. He was cruel in his teachings, holding back from any feeding until she thoroughly earned it. She tried her best to impress him and show him that she was worth keeping around since she knew very quickly the only other option as she had seen to much would be her being killed. So she quickly jumped in the deep end learning all she could to make herself invaluable. She took notes and helped organize gatherings and events as his ghoul. She continued her service to him until 2018 when he did not return back from the Northeast Event.

She waited and looked for him as much as she could with her more mundane methods before moving on. She felt slowly his blood fading from her system and she felt an emptiness at the loss. She moved up to Boston and lived in secret for years, hiding from the Sabbat and making sure to only go out during the day and only if she needed to. She stopped singing and her career seemed to be at a standstill. Then in 2021 her world would once again be surrounded by Kindred. She ran into the former Prince of Stamford who took the throne after Calvin went missing, Angelize Velez. She combined both the domains of Stamford and Hartford after the death of Prince Frederick Gold. Hearing of the Camarilla wanting to move into Boston, Chasyn used her knowledge she had gained the last few years to help. Angelize took her as her new ghoul and she continued where she had left off with Calvin making herself invaluable to both Angelize and the court helping organize influences and plans to go against the Sabbat. The move up to Boston ended with the Praxis being taken by Penelope Vanderbilt. She continued helping the courts, making reports and noting who was at each gathering for the officers to be aware of and organizing the various plots so the Domain was organized.

In 2022 Chasyn decided to take a bit more control of her life, realizing that she could do far more in the Camarilla if she was embraced. So she began really focusing on the various clans and what they did for the sect and who they were as a society. Speaking to Angelize about her aid, the former Prince grew angry to the point of nearly frenzying on the ghoul. It solidified in her mind the direction she wanted to take and sought out Noorali. After a few months of training, Noorali embraced her and she finally felt what it was to be a member of Kindred Society.







Character Inspirations


