Pablo Waywa

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Clan Brujah
Position Primogen
Status 2
Domain Alto Tietê/SP
Coterie none
Society ???
Path Humanity 000
Player Paulo Galembeck


Pablo Waywa


Real Name: None

Apparent Age: 34 years

Concept: Merchant

Physical description:

EN: Pablo has 1.68, undeniable traits of an Andean native and a few extra pounds. Always smiling, his clothes are usually comfortable and practical. He always wears a Chullo on a daily basis and, on more formal occasions, other pieces of typical clothing. Black hair and eyes complete his appearance. Pablo has a strong Hispanic accent, but he writes without a problem in several languages

PT/BR: Pablo tem 1,68, traços inegáveis de nativo andino e alguns quilos a mais. Sempre sorridente, suas roupas costumam ser confortáveis e práticas. Usa sempre um Chullo no dia a dia e,em ocasiões mais formais, outras peças de roupas típicas. Cabelos e olhos negros completam sua aparência. Pablo tem um forte sotaque hispânico, mas escreve sem problema nenhum em diversas linguas

Detailed Status:

Acknowledged by Tomas Marcello, prince of Caracas Loyal by Carola Van Hooves, prince of Alto Tietê Revered by his position as Primogen in Alto Tietê

Known History

EN: Pablo appeared to the Camarilla more than a century ago. His sire June Roma, brought him from Bolivia when she was looking for help. He was introduced and taught by her, but their views of the world were different. So, in a friendly way, they separated and Pablo began to sail the North and South American continent, both in the Atlantic Ocean and in the Pacific Ocean. He worked as a merchant and often delivered people and packages across the continent. He rarely stayed on land and never showed any desire to settle. So far. In April 2021, he applied for Hospitality and took up residence in Fortaleza. After a year, invited by an old friend, Pablo made a difficult decision for a vampire. He moved to Bertioga, from the principality of Alto Tietê, whose Prince Carola Van Hooves rules. So he went to help rebuild a principality he had emptied. He may have left Fortaleza, but he has had many friendships and respect for the local Camarilla. Now, as Brujah Primigenie of the Alto Tietê, he seeks to strengthen ties and assist in the creation of a prosperous region.

PT/BT: Pablo apareceu para a Camarilla a mais de um século. Sua senhora, June Roma, o trouxe da Bolívia, quando em busca de auxílio. Foi apresentado e ensinado pela senhora, mas suas visões de mundo eram diferentes. Por isso, de forma amistosa, separaram-se e Pablo começou a navegar o continente americano de norte e sul, tanto no Oceano Atlântico quando no Oceano Pacífico. Trabalhou como mercador e, muitas vezes, entregando pessoas e pacotes por todo continente. Poucas vezes ele ficou em terra e nunca demonstrou vontade de se fixar. Até agora. Em abril de 2021, ele solicitou a Hospitalidade e fixou residência em Fortaleza. Após um ano, convidado por um velho amigo, Pablo tomou uma decisão difícil para um vampiro. Ele se mudou para Bertioga, do principado do Alto Tietê, cuja Príncipe Carola Van Hooves governa. Assim, ele foi auxiliar a reconstruir um principado que havia esvaziado. Ele pode ter partido de Fortaleza, mas guardou muitas amizades e respeito pela Camarilla local. Agora, como Primigenie do Alto Tietê, ele busca estreitar laços e auxiliar na criação de uma região próspera.




Velma Dinkley

Siobahn "Mina" Sinclaire



June Roma




Character Inspirations



  • I probably have what you need. If I don't have it, I know someone who does!
  • Every member of the Camarilla is my family. But the Brujah? They are my beloved brothers!


  • It is said that he has trade agreements with members from all over the world.
  • Would a vampire really ride a boat around for no hidden reason?
  • With who, exactly, does he do his business?
  • May he can be a spy for some Archon?