Victory on the West Coast of the United States

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Ladies and Gentlemen of the Camarilla; Esteemed peerage and above,

I am pleased to announce a major victory against the rebellion on Saturday July 17th 2010 in the Domain of Santa Rosa California.

Around the same time as the Grand Gather in San Francisco, my Domain was invaded by a major force of the Sabbat, lead by a "pack" of Elder Vampires and their clutch of "shovel-heads" and "war-ghouls" a combined total of around 50 assailants. At first they demanded my surrender and surrender of the Domain, then they proceeded to attempt to rip the Masquerade wide-open by several vulgar displays of power and atrocity. To this we spent most of our attentions just trying to cover the breeches of the Masquerade by them, the remainder was spent trying to protect ourselves. During this time I announced that the Domain of Santa Rosa was in a state of emergency and sealed my borders. I would not surrender to them, even while my Domain was in flames.

During the last few weeks the Sabbat had managed to capture and turn a member of my gather - the Brujah Primogen Eric Linder to serve them, with this they were able to track where our gather spots were and tried to close in on us. Mr. Linder was then killed by them when he couldn't provide any further information as I ordered all Kindred to go to ground. They also had another turncoat, this time a Gangrel named Rafael whom last night I announced the Lextalionis upon him - only to later on that evening take his head personally.

My faith was cemented of our own Sect when I called upon the Archons for assistance, and reliably they were instrumental in amassing a force of strength and influence for me to wield to a great effect, assistance was also furnished by other outside sources with influences - notably was Prince Jackson Riley of Sacramento, Seneschal Kathrin Braddock of Berkeley , and Keeper of Elysia Walter Cronin of Sacramento.

Preparing for the event I used the compiled influences of my own populace, and those that were lent with the purpose of pre-empting any potential masquerade breaches, some minor riots or demonstrations, fireworks displays, sobriety checkpoints, and other such distractions for the Mortal populations. Included with this was using a vast array of lent influences to curtail any lent influences the Sabbat may have had directed towards my Domain.

I divided the Camarilla forces into three groups, two martial groups the first lead by myself, the other lead by the Ventrue Primogen Sangria de Corazon - Knight Protector of Sonoma County and one communication/investigation group lead by my Seneshal Ms. Jennifer Valentine of Clan Toreador with the positive injunction that should the Domain fall, she would lead the survivors to safety.

The group I lead went to the spot where we knew the largest and most powerful forces would be, this is where we faced two groups of the rebellion, one group were comprised of the shock troops for the other “pack”. After we vanquished these troops, we were able to surprise the Elder pack, lead by their leader a Bishop of Clan Tzimisce in the Elder Man-Bat form. He used powers of darkness, powers of destruction, quickness, toughness and strength reserved for the Elders. This creature was a truly horrifying opponent and required the combined strength of myself and Archon Jack Sebastian to bring down. Both myself and the Archon took wounds that would have felled most other Kindred, however this Bishop took more. This battle we were able to undertake because Michael Crison and Archon Archadia took on other formidable combatants.

The other group that was lead by Primogen de Corazon also met with resistance head on, it was a sizable force of Sabbat and through the combined strength of our forces, they were able to be victorious.

With the destruction of their Bishop, the Elder Packs, and the shock troops, all that is left is to clean up the influences they’ve left behind, ghouls and whatnot. This my Domain shall resolve with alacrity.

I would like to thank my neighboring fellow Princes - Virgil Deems of San Francisco and Julius Stewart of Berkeley for their advice and assistance, I assure you it was greatly welcomed and appreciated. I would also like to take this time to thank them for their generosity in acceptance of any refugees should my Domain become lost and I should perish. It is this where we stand united against all threats, and is the glory of the Camarilla.

My sincere appreciation is also directed to his Grace Lotharius for allowing resources that are crucial at other locales to be directed to my Domain for it's security and protection during this endeavor.

Additionally I would like to thank Archon Jack Sebastian, Archon Michelangelo Archadia for their work on the battlefield and general support for the Domain of Santa Rosa.

Finally and most of all, I would like to thank those brave Kindred who came from their own Domains to lend support, either martially, influentially or for intelligence. It is all of you who deserve the congratulations and celebration. These Kindred set aside their goals and gains to lend assistance to a Camarilla Domain which needed them, and for them we plan on having a celebration come August 7th, 2010.

We celebrate... Victory.

Sincerely, respectfully, and gratefully...

By my own hand -

Winston Warchild Prince of Santa Rosa - Sonoma County California Clan Tremere

Those instrumental not from Santa Rosa. Archon Jack Sebastian Archon Michelangelo Archadia Fracture Walter Cronin Samuel Ward Lore Hammel Buggy Lou Michael Crison Elissa Maxwell

Those instrumental from Santa Rosa Primogen Sangria de Corazon Primogen Dorrian Grey Harpy Marcus Jovan Keeper of Elysium James Wolf Primogen Vladius Primogen Jan Smedling Sheriff Jean-Lucas Caix

Those Elders of Sonoma County Mr. Fisher (Brujah) Mr. Kadar (Assamite), Mr. LeFevre (Ventrue), Ms. Eriksson (Malkavian), Proctor (Nosferatu)