Renato Ribeiro Rocha

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Clan Tzimisce AT
Position Scourge
Status 3
Domain Pirenópolis, Brazil
Coterie ???
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity ???
Player Sérgio H. C. Zica



Upload RR at a Tremere party, wich his good friend Sophia...

Alias(es): "RR"

Real Name: Renato Ribeiro Rocha

Apparent Age: ~ 25

Concept: Plastic Surgeon

Physical description: Medium height, fit body, short black hair, dark brown eyes. Kind of beautiful, he looks like a good and reliable person, his face is healthy and hale, with a slight blush. He is also almost warm to the touch. When at work uses a with coat of his profession, but is seen using fine suits at parties, or black jeans and leather jacket when roaming on his motorcycle at the streets of Pirenópolis.

Detailed Status:

  • Acknowledged by Prince Bernardo Cipriano Gomes of Pirenópolis
  • Thrustworthy by then Prince Al Haqin Sain of Fortaleza for always helping in times of need
  • Feared as Scourge of Pirenópolis (yeap, he has Right of Destruction!)

Character Information

Known History

A known plastic surgeon of the state of Goiás, RR was embraced by an unknown Tzimisce forced by the Brujah Carlos Felipe, who told him he was his sire and educated him as Brujah. After some time (and with Carlos in torpor) he was already Brujah Primogen, wich status from Dom Alfonso D'Almodóbar of Brasília. But his naivety would come to an end, and he requested Archon Jean Val Pierre to investigate what was "wrong" with him. Archon Cristóvão Gilberto dicivered his origins, executed Carlos and brought him to Pascek, who give him an Ordeal to fullfil in one year and a night. Against all odds, he did it, and became a full member of the Camarilla.



People you wouldn't suspect...


All Clan Tzimisce. Some overzealous Tremere.


Unknown, adopted by the Brujah Carlos.


Mwahaha! But, really, do you think Pascek would allow it?


Character Inspirations



"Hello. I'm RR, Tzimisce... no, wait... of the CAMARILLA!!!"
"Sorry, but I think this surgery may bring unnecessary emotional and psychical pain on the subject, and I cant be sure your ghoul really want it, he is ghouled isn't he?


_ They say he had to kill a lot of Tzimisces for his Ordeal, the exact number is unknown, but some say a hundred!