Pedder's Edicts

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For Reference

(OOC For Reference only. These are the Camarilla-focused Edicts of Justicar Pedder. For all of his edicts, please see the Ventrue Wiki. Also, Lucinde has removed all of former Justicar Pedder's Edicts with the exception of the Lasombra Antitribu Edict regarding registration and officer positions.)

Directive 010300-139 / Caitiff

To: Harpies of the Camarilla Date: 3 January 2000

Please prepare for my review by January 31, 2000 your collective recommendation on formal Camarilla policy regarding "Caitiff prestige" and the status of Camarilla Kindred who claim such prestige. Choose wisely.

Directive 011600-151 / Blood Hunts

To: The Camarilla From: Tai Pan and Justicar Robert Pedder of Clan Ventrue Date: 16 January 2000 There have been a number of inquires to the Justicarate on the issue of Blood Hunts. Rudimentary, common sense, childe proof provisions are attached below. Learn them. The era of "oops" is at an end. Those who misuse the Hunt will die. You are each responsible for maintaining a global conspiracy to keep six billion mortals ignorant of our existance. Act in accordance with that responsibility.

ON CALLING BLOOD HUNTS When in doubt, don't. When certain, wait. When called, finish.

ON SENESCHALS AND BLOOD HUNTS Never send a boy to do a man's job.

ON THE LEGITIMACY OF BLOOD HUNTS If the explanation is longer than the declaration, the hunt is most likely invalid.

Directive 041500-174 / Domain

To: The Camarilla From: Tai Pan and Justicar Robert Pedder of Clan Ventrue Date: 15 April 2000 If you can hold it, it is yours. If you claim it and cannot hold it, you are subject to the Second Tradition.

Directive 051500-181 / Technology

To: The Camarilla From: Tai Pan and Justicar Robert Pedder of Clan Ventrue Date: 15 May 2000 I consider audio and video recordings of Masquerade-sensitive information (showing the usage of disciplines, discussing clans and policy, etc.) to be a breech of the Masquerade and will henceforth punish Kindred accordingly who send me such. Status and evidence are the determining factors of guilt or innocence. The official Camarilla policy on such recordings will be determined at a future Conclave. Date to be announced.

Directive 060200-184 / Obedience

To: The Camarilla From: Tai Pan and Justicar Robert Pedder of Clan Ventrue Date: 2 June 2000

Before his execution, Moon-Over-Horizon of Clan Gangrel, Prince of Seattle had the following to say:

"I thank the Justicars for pointing out the error of my ways. I was wrong to show disrespect to my Elders; wrong to challenge their will. I go now to my Final Death proud that my final moments have been in the service of the Camarilla. I give my life to erase the sin of my dishonor.

Let all the Camarilla hear my words: Obey the Elders. Know your place. Honor your sires and the Traditions. Kill any who deal with the Sabbat. Drive the Caitiff and Anarchs from your cities. The young must be brought to heel.

To those who would put pen to paper and write hasty words to Elders who have seen empires rise and fall, I say this: abase yourself before your betters. Let their wrath fall swift and sure upon the arrogant and foolish. Anything less than perfect obedience and humility is anarchy.

And finally, to my good friend Prince Cross of Sacramento, I beg you to heed my words: turn back from this path of madness. Embrace the wisdom of the Elders and challenge them no further. Perfect obedience is perfect wisdom."

Moon-Over-Horizon died with honor this first night of June in the Year of Our Lord two thousand. Let his final words take hold in your hearts: "Perfect obedience is perfect wisdom. Anything less than perect obedience and humility is anarchy."

Directive 062300-193 / Rumor

To: The Camarilla From: Tai Pan and Justicar Robert Pedder of Clan Ventrue Date: 23 June 2000

The Camarilla does not recognize the existence of mythological beings known as "Antediluvians" or "Caine." The Camarilla claims hegemony over all Kindred. There is no such sect as "the Sabbat." As there are no such things as "Antediluvians" there can never be a time in Kindred history known as "Gehenna." There are no such thing as "Gehenna cults" as the Camarilla does not recognize the existence of Antediluvians or Gehenna; a necessary foundation for any such gathering. Likewise the ongoing prank known as "The Book of Nod" is discredited on the same principles. Rumors of "Final Nights" are a hysteric millenial heresy. By their very nature, such rumors imply that the Camarilla can or will soon end. Harpies are encouraged to be harsh on those espousing such treasonous views.

Directive 062300-194 / Scourges

To: The Camarilla From: Tai Pan and Justicar Robert Pedder of Clan Ventrue Date: 23 June 2000

Scourges are recognized as legitimate Camarilla officers carrying additional status within our Great Society. Appoint them where necessary.

Directive 062400-195 / The Caitiff Dialogues

To: The Camarilla From: Tai Pan and Justicar Robert Pedder of Clan Ventrue Date: 24 June 2000

Q. How should Caitiff be treated? A. Treat them as you would your own slaves.

Q. Should Caitiff be killed? A. Caitiff exist at the pleasure of their Prince.

Q. Why are Caitiff looked down upon? A. Caitiff have neither lineage nor representation on the Inner Council to their credit.

Q. Aren't hardworking and loyal Caitiff entitled to better treatment? A. Caitiff who fail to please their Prince die. That is their incentive and reward.

Q. But why should Caitiff be treated like second class citizens? A. Caitiff did not contribute to the foundation of the Camarilla, end the Anarch Revolt, or extinguish the fires of the Inquisition.

Q. Why not judge all Kindred on their own merits? A. Holding Caitiff in equal or higher regard devalues the four centuries of sacrifice and committment made by the Kindred of the Seven Clans.

Q. Isn't that's unfair? A. Such is their lot in life. Life among the Damned is rarely fair.

Q. How many Caitiff are there? A. Too many.

Q. Is it true that some Caitiff can walk about by day and give birth? A. No.

Q. Is it true that some Caitiff are so thin blooded they can no longer pass along the curse? A. Yes.

Q. Is it true that Caitiff are considered a clan by the Sabbat? A. No. The Sabbat rebels use such stories as bait. Caitiff converts are diablerized by Sabbat rebels in demonic rituals.

Q. The Book of Nod says that a Caitiff Prince prefigures Gehenna. A. Caitiff cannot be Prince under the rulings of the 1998 Chicago Conclave. Camarilla law is not based on superstitious mysticism.

Directive 081200-204 / Icarus

To: Prince Justin Moore, Clan Brujah, Domain of Indianapolis cc: The Camarilla From: Tai Pan and Justicar Robert Pedder of Clan Ventrue Date: 12 August 2000

Princes will not be permitted to lead Kindred into rebellion against their Elders in the Camarilla. Princes are the Camarilla's "generals-in-the-field"; our front line defense against the many enemies of our Great Society. Because Princes can go bad, the Founders of the Camarilla, (mandarin here) "Praise be their eternal wisdom" (back to English) established Justicars and Archons.

I hold dominion over you. For example: You are hereby stripped of all status save acknowledged and positional. Even your own Elders, private objections aside, concede the wisdom of our Great Society and the authority of its agents.

The clarity of your position negates the need for further discussion. If you are still Prince of Indianapolis on September 30th, I will preside over a Conclave in your domain to review your fitness as Prince. Expect no mercy. To herald my arrival on that night, the Kindred of Indianapolis are to fill the longest straight, uninterrupted street of Indianapolis with blood -- Kindred and Kine -- to a depth of one inch. Lack of volume will be made up with contributions taken directly from the Kindred populace of Indianapolis. Responsibility for concealing this river of blood from the mortals will be the responsibility of the Kindred of Indianapolis. Failure punishable by Final Death.

Should you be removed as Prince before that night and delivered to me intact, the Conclave shall be cancelled.

Mental alteration is not the worst thing that can happen to a Kindred, Prince Moore. Justicar Pedder's Seal

Directive 081200-205 / Tarot Card Zero

To: The Camarilla From: Tai Pan and Justicar Robert Pedder of Clan Ventrue Date: 12 August 2000

Duty demands that insurrections within the Camarilla be stamped out wherever they occur. Those who have grievance with the Elders would be wise to keep their comments private, their confidants few, and their behavior circumspect. This lesson will be administered repeatedly until it is learned.

For attempting to bring two clans and their Justicars to the brink of war, and as a peace offering against further action, Clan Tremere shall deliver Regent Darien Von Stukov to me for immediate punishment. Clan Tremere may send a representative to oversee the administration of said punishment.

Every Primogen in the domain of Humboldt is hereby stripped of two status (OOC: assuming they have enough status to lose) for their error in judgement in supporting Regent Stukov, self proclaimed "Speaker for the Primogen Council," in leading an insurrection within his own Clan and the Camarilla. Primogen worldwide take note. If Regent Stukov was lying, then the Primogen of the domain of Humboldt are free to take issue with Clan Tremere.

As this is the second time that Kindred of the domain of Humboldt have challenged the Justicarate, Prince Romanov is hereby stripped of all status save acknowledged and positional. Exercise your authority as Prince over your citizens or lose it. Princes whose citizens challenge the Justicarate may face similar punishment.

Regent Von Stukov's comments that he enjoys the favor of Justicar Masako and that Clan Tremere's agenda is to exert control over all the other clans (see below) are *clearly* the ravings of a madman and should be discounted. Justicar Pedder's Seal

Directive 103100-220 / Praxis Seizure

To: The Camarilla From: Tai Pan and Justicar Robert Pedder of Clan Ventrue Date: 31 October 2000

More than one Kindred may lay claim to the throne during an insurrection or coup. The struggle between claimants and their allies may take as long as several weeks. The only legitimate office holder is the one who holds the position at the end.

Stability is the goal. Unstable cities risk the Masquerade and tempt the enemies of the Camarilla. New Princes, or Princes who have successfully defeated an attempted coup, are not encouraged to extend mercy or hospitality to defeated rival claimants. Doing so risks stability. Stability is the responsibility of the Primogen as well as the Prince.

Directive 112400-223 / Primogen

To: The Camarilla From: Tai Pan and Justicar Robert Pedder of Clan Ventrue Date: 24 November 2000

Like hand and glove, so are the Prince and Primogen Council.

The Primogen Council is a representative assembly of the Elders in the city. The Prince can refuse to admit a Primogen to this assembly. The Primogen Council can refuse to recognize a Clan's representative to the assembly. No Prince or Primogen Council is required to accept a Primogen that is "elected." One is or is not the oldest and most powerful representative of one's clan in the domain. If the Clan and Primogen Council can be made to accept it, a Prince can also be Primogen.

The Primogen Council convenes at the Prince's pleasure in the same way that Princes often rule at the pleasure of the Primogen Council.

Directive 012501-226 / Recognized Positions

To: The Camarilla From: Tai Pan and Justicar Robert Pedder of Clan Ventrue Date: 25 January 2001

The following positions (Keeper of the Gate, Sentinel, Magistrate, Lord Arcanum, Lore Master, Liaison and Knights of the Smith, etc.) are not recognized universally by the Camarilla. The Camarilla affirms the right of Princes to create and award titles and positions within their domain. Any additional stature afforded these position holders must be awarded through traditional protocol and is not innate. Only universally recognized Camarilla positions carry innate additional stature.

The Camarilla affirms the right of Princes to award sections of territory to individual Kindred (re: Marin County). Princes retain the right to reclaim such territory at any time conditional upon their ability to enforce their will. (ref: Directive 041500-174/Domain)

There is a difference between individual Kindred holding small swaths of territories and a Camarilla Prince. That difference should have been apparent both to "Prince" Peter Cole and "Seneschal" Hans Van Kruger. Both individuals will forfeit stature in our society (OOC: two status) for wasting the time of the Justicarate with such foolishness. Should "Prince" Cole and "Seneschal" Van Kruger choose to willingly sacrifice more it will be taken as a gesture of good faith and vice versa.