Silas Tept

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Clan Tremere
Position Primogen
Status 6+1+2
Domain Peoria, IL
Coterie Tremere
Society Is a construct!
Path Humanity ???
Player Robert Crosby

Contents 1 Overview 1.1 Character Information 1.2 Known History 1.3 Coterie 1.4 Allies 1.5 Enemies 1.6 Sire 1.7 Childer 1.8 Broodmates 1.9 Character Inspirations 1.10 Soundtrack 1.11 Quotes 1.12 Rumors


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A few choice expletives, I'm certain.

Real Name

Silas Tept... maybe

Apparent Age



Occultist Sociopath

Physical description

Appearance x5

Ice-cold blue eyes

Usually wearing a hoodie and blue jeans when not formal, he nearly always sports a Hogwarts baseball cap.

Detailed Status

Acknowledged by the Prince of Vienna, 1643

Dedicated By Word of Prince Walken, 2012

Loyal By Word of Prince Drago, 2018

Relentless By Word of Prince Stivaldi, 2017

Resourceful By Word of Prince James, 2016

Well-Connected By Word of Prince Boyle, 2015

Reverered As Greater Peoria Region Primogen

Dignitary of the Camarilla

Luminary of the Camarilla

Character Information

Silas is known as an investigator, researcher, trouble-shooter and thaumaturgical innovator.

He is the older brother of Nicholas Tept.

Known History

Silas was Acknowledged in 1643 after spending quite a bit of time under the Accounting with his siblings. Since then, he had been sighted in various locations throughout the world.

During that time, he said little and never interacted socially to anyone's knowledge. Rather, he was reputed to be something of a fixer with a dark personality.

Then, in 1990, he disappeared.

In 2008, in the beginning of the year, he resurfaced, having spent a couple of years in Dallas, Texas.

At that time, he was all smiles and eager to just research and investigate, which he has done with remarkable results since that time.

Lately, though, it seems like a dark cloud hangs over Silas. He is hired out for investigations, research and innovations. His reputation in some circles is unmatched and his loyalty is beyond question to those who earn it.

It's just that... something is wrong.


Silas is part of the Mayhem Motorcycle Club and has been since its founding. It doesn't really count though... no, really...


Saskia Dietrich

Elliott Maxwell

Peter Premysl


Jack the Gangrel




Che Valiente

Jonathan Hammer


The Weaver


Lord Tept


None public


Nicholas Tept

Angelus Tept

Other Siblings

Character Inspirations



Ninth Gate


Rain Man

Hannibal Lecter

Mr. Rogers

Ren and Stimpy


Hard Road Out Of Hell


Me Loco

Blood Like Lemonade

People Are Strange

So What

My Little Buttercup




Silas serves the Wyrm

Silas is a high-functioning autistic

He was a hired killer for centuries and a monster for his Clan

Secretly is a Brony

Has taken a motorcycle training course eight and a half times and still regards them as unsafe

Trained under Dr. Mengele

Never misses group

Hates spiders

Drives a powder blue Prius named Edna

All of the Tepts are part of something called the Tept Project

Categories:Clan:Tremere Domain:Peoria Coterie:Mayhem Position:Primogen Path: Humanitas (Hive?) Society:Is a construct