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Clan Malkavian
Position None
Status 1
Domain Columbus, OH
Coterie Gunn Clan
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 000
Player Qwedlow



pics [1]


Real Name: Qwedlow

Apparent Age: Maybe late twenties

Concept: precognizan and a social outcast

Physical description: Poor fellow has a slight hunchback and lacks common skills (pitiable merit), but draws the ears of others with his humble demeanor (enchanting voice merit). Typically wears a simple open southwestern poncho, and a well-made, authentic kilt.

Detailed Status:

Acknowledged - Baron Marcus Verus, Clan Ventrue

Insightful - Shen (the Shenanigantor), Clan Malkavian

Revered - Prince Eric Kein, Clan Ventrue, appointed Primogen of Columbus in November of 2014 through May 2015

Character Information

Known History

Little is known of this man of exception. Arriving during the spring months of 2014, this poor fellow seemed to look as though the slums had lost their mascot. The first few nights into the city, Qwedlow simply sat and cut out stars from fabric while others inquired his appearance and purpose to the city. Keeping to himself, his guidance was less than notable except to a few that were unaware. Only during an evening of uncertainty and what was considered poor choices, Qwedlow ran from an ambush only to be struck down in the open. Most considered it ignorance, but he claims it was the better of the other options.


Having run with a pack of Gangrel for many years, he only mentions that he was their eyes and they protected his insight during engagements with Garou. He wears the kilt in their honor.

Standing member of the Order of the Specter of Chaos.


He has not mentioned any.


The Inquisition, The Sabbat, The Church… aren't they are all the same???


His sire was killed by the Garou.





Character Inspirations

Griffin [2] (Men In Black 3)

Hunchback of Notre Dame


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NUTGr5t3MoY - Basket Case: by Green Day


“That would just be silly.”


Qwedlow is dangerous with scissors.

After only a few weeks in town, Archon Valetine requested of his services.

Qwedlow is actually an Elder trying to relive through the current timeline.

Qwedlow is a neonate that needs guidance.

Qwedlow is much more enjoyable to be around when he’s not around.

He’s creepy.

Qwedlow killed a small pack of Sabbat when he arrived in New York city.

Qwedlow likes to sulk in corners.

The Eyes of Chaos was created by the Order he serves.