Rowan Ashe-Porter

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Clan Malkavian
Position Deputy Sheriff
Status 2
Domain New Haven, Ca
Coterie ???
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 00
Player [1]



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Real Name: Rowan Ashe

Apparent Age: 22

Concept: Street smart Seer, Swordsmith

Physical description: Rowan is 5’4”and athletically built. She has dark eyes that often look pained or distant. She always wears goggles and a shop apron. Her face is often smudged with black soot or grease from working in the shop. Across her clavicle on the right side there are a series of gruesome, gnarled scars

Detailed Status: Acknowledged by Prince Alejandro Villalobos Patron

  • Gifted by Robin Porter

  • Character Information

    Known History

    Rowan grew up in New Haven. Her parents were violently killed when she was young and she spent her time drifting through the foster system. When she turned 18 she inherited her parent’s estate and returned to New Haven. A forced embrace and 2 weeks later she is alone, her sire’s cord severed in astral. Transferred from accounting to accounting, Rowan’s unlife has been much like her human one. She struggled to make her way without her sire present and was eventually awarded her acknowledgement. She has a knack for being in the wrong place at the wrong time, and has always ended up deep in the fray during enemy encounters. A master craft katana that her mortal grandfather designed is her weapon of choice. For a short time she served as the Malkavian whip to the primogen council. She is now acting as the Deputy Sherrif. To most, Rowan is amiable enough, she does quality work and doesn’t cause much trouble. But recent events have roiled up a darkness that lurked beneath, clouding Rowan’s eyes and emanating a sinister feel.




    All Lupines


    Robin Porter



    Character Inspirations

  • Rei –Neon Genesis Evangelion
  • Saeko- High School of the Dead
  • Ophelia-Hamlet
  • Alice
  • Soundtrack

    American McGee’s Alice game sountrack-Chris Vrenna Sugar-System of a Down Skeleton’s on Parade-Ludo Until it sleeps-Metallica


    In a phone conversation with Elliot Maxwell: EM: "You want me to trace my hand on a piece of paper and fax it to you?" Rowan:"Well I was thinking you could just photocopy your hand....but I guess tracing it are your tracing skills?”

    Conversation with her sire after being woken up from torpor: Robin:"You tried taking on a demon monster toe to toe! What the hell is wrong with you?!" Rowan: “Is it dead?...and where are my goggles?”


    Killed a werewolf by herself, with just her teeth . Part of an infernal cult with an elder Malkavian. Painted Elysium walls with her own blood. That same night caused the Brujah primogen to go insane and attack the Seneschal . Is having a romantic affair with her ghoul