Ion Jones

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Clan Tremere
Position Prince
Status 6+3
Domain Allentown, PA
Coterie Unknown
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 00
Player Daniel Cochran-Smith



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Hank Jones
Herr Jones
The Patron

Real Name: Unknown

Apparent Age: Mid to late 20s.

Concept: Modern Urban Blood Mage

Physical description:

Detailed Status:
Acknowledged -
Bold - (Prince Mattias of Northern Virginia)
Courageous - (Prince Cameron Jones (No relation))
Loyal -
Respected -
Valiant - (Prince Donner Hannalore)
Well-Known - Positional as Prince/Marquis of Allentown PA
Exalted - Positional as Prince/Marquis of Allentown PA
Famous - Positional as Prince/Marquis of Allentown PA

Character Information

Known History

Basic Timeline:

The existence of Jones was more rumor than fact until the 1990s. He has volunteered that until he became more active in the Camarilla he was skulking about central Europe, and fighting the Sabbat in Philadelphia. When he actually came to the city is in dispute. It can not be disputed that he was active there for years before the return of the Camarilla. His coterie of other Tremere were based out University City, an island of Tremere in a sea of Sabbat. University City was instrumental in the Camarilla retaking the city.

Current Activities:

Merit Details:




Since distancing himself from the Shadow coterie he has kept the identities of his allies close to his chest. He is seen associating with the following kindred regularly.

Bastion Stone
Benjamin Miller
Jacob Black
William Shultz

Garrett Dannington (Deceased)
Jacen Pompeii (Deceased)
Liam McGregor (Deceased)
Ranice Keiber (Deceased)


Jacen Pompeii (Deceased)
Garrett Dannington (Deceased)
Liam McGregor (Deceased)


Jones keeps his sire's identity secret.


If Jones has sired then he keeps the fact hidden.


None known.

Character Inspirations

"Perry Cox"

"Jesse Hooker"


Fear Factory "Default Judgement"

Flogging Molly "The Worst Day Since Yesterday"

Pantera "Hollow"


"We are uniquely enlightened in our inhumanity."


Jones is totally insane.

Jones has been adopted by the Malkavians.

Jones is David Fletcher's sire.

The Malkavians hate Jones.

Jones is a serial killer.

Jones is a nazi.

Jones was the inspiration for Indiana Jones.

Jones is a brainwashed robot for his clan.

The Tremere are terrified of Jones.

Jones is a secretly adopted Tzimisce.

Vincent King is Jones's new hero.