Ulisses V. Metzger

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Clan: Assamite
Position: Sheriff
Feared X2,
Domain: Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil
Coterie: ???
Society: The White Hand (Ivory Legion)
Path: ??? ???
Player: Allan García

Alias(es): O Maldito - The Damned
O Furtivo - The Skulker
A Lâmpada - The Lamp or Jinn-Slayer
O Sem Clã - The Clanless

Real Name:
Ulisses Voikff Metzger

Apparent Age:
Late 30's Concept:
Ex-DOPS, Partido Novo's Dictatorship hitman/supression agent

Physical description:
A Tall man (6'3) and a slim figure, he is well built but not extremely muscular, his strength is very deceptive and he uses that to his advantage. He has clear german descent, black hair and blue eyes in his natural form, which he often tends to forgo as he slips skins and faces. His real face is marked with many knife wounds, bottle cuts and some bullet holes, for that reason and many others he wears a mask in public.
Detailed Status:

- Acknowledged by Arminta Jorgensdatter in Copenhagen, Denmark, 1999.
- Feared by Arminta Jorgensdatter,Denmark, 2003. For punishing the enemies of the Ivory Tower
- Feared by the word of Sylvanos Vulk, as Sheriff of the Iron Frontier
- Valourous as Milites of The White Hand (Ivory Legion).
- Brave by Prince Sylvanos Vulk, of The Iron Frontier, Joinville, 2022 for destroying the Tzimisce Brood of Alamoa in Ilha do Mel

Character Information
Known History
He was born sometime around the 1900's, having participated in the Revolta Tenetista in 1922 and was one of the 18 do Forte. He served as a hitman, gun-for-hire and police officer for the Vargas government in Brazil and later it's military dictatorship. It's unknown what he was doing through the 70's and 90's, some say he went to Alamut, other say he was ganging up in the Anarch Movement with some less than respectful companions. He joined the Camarilla with the Assamite Cism in 1999, for reasons of his own.

He isn't part of a Coterie officialy.
Yacov Ben Grannon, Sorcerer
Balthazar Trakov, Warrior
Abdul Alzhared, Sorcerer
Salma, Vizier
Levi, Warrior, Killed by a Garou(rip)
Malik al-Jinn ibn al-bashir ibn al-mualim, Sihr Sorcerer, Killed by Ulisses (rip)
Farhad, Elder Vizier, Killed by Legalist Assamites (rip)
Kali, Elder Warrior, Killed by Legalist Assamites (rip)
Midori, Gangrel
Leão, Gangrel Deputy
Lís, Gangrel
Audriel, Tremere, Ex-Deputy

Sputnik - Brujah Anarch
Omar Ferreira - Assamite Vizier
Igor Molotov - Brujah "Camarilla"
Eric Trovão - Garou
Nuriel - Infernalist (Gangrel?)

Waldagaizaz Hvalman, Adalbrandr. Assamita Escandinavo, identifica-se como Autarca desde a Idade Média

He mentioned some, but never disclosed details


Character Inspirations
Saint of Killers - Preacher
Rorschach - Watchmen
Clint Eastwood
Siegfried - Volsungasaga

Camisa Amarela - Aracy de Almeida
Sou Mandinga Balaiada - Mestre Barrão
Tiro ao Álvaro - Demônios da Garoa
Calm Like a Bomb - Rage Against The Machine
So What'cha Want - Beastie Boys
Megalomania - Church of Misery
Born Under a Bad Sign - Cream


"Entschuldigung? Desculpa, acho que te entendi errado, vai tomar no seu cu."


. He used to be a Ghoul to an extremist Anarch Brujah during his early years in the DOPS
. He is known as a Red Hand, the kind of Assamite who would shake your hand with his blood on it so he can tear you apart if the need arises.
. He is well known as a Doppelganger, often assuming the appearance and mannerisms of others, sometimes to mock, other times to deceive.
. He is an Anarchist reformer or conciliator
. Obviously has perfomed the rite of Amaranth before joining the Camarilla in 1999.
. He has children in other sects