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Line 148: Line 148:
"I hope he catches fire and dies." To an Harpy, about an Archon.
"I hope he catches fire and dies." To an Harpy, about an Archon.
"Damn... if you want to fuck me, at least buy me dinner first!" To an Archon.
"Damn... if you want to fuck with me, at least buy me dinner first!" To an Archon.
[Tremere only] His Regent: "You are going to be Regent soon." M.A.: "I doubt that."
[Tremere only] His Regent: "You are going to be Regent soon." M.A.: "I doubt that."

Revision as of 01:06, 27 June 2011

Clan Tremere
Position Harpy
Domain Florianópolis, SC/Brazil
Coterie ???
Society {{{Society}}}
Path ??? ???
Player Marcos Aurélio



"Because it is our nature... to be Beasts. If we do not remember ourselves constantly of our human side... it will be inevitable to become one."

Marcos Aurélio, also known as M.A.

Real Name: Lost in time.

Apparent Age: 25

Concept: Advocate of Humanitas and Bon Vivant.

Physical description: You will have to imagine me, but very attractive, charismatic and easy-going. Good luck...

Detailed Status:

  • Acknowledged by Word of Prince Adrian of Tel Aviv
  • Cherished by Word of Hans Grunnin Von Hunsrück of Grande Florianópolis
  • Invaluable by Word of Elissa Maxwell of Greater Santa Rosa
  • Influential as Harpy of Grande Florianópolis e Laguna

Character Information

Known History

Marcos Aurélio is known as an unusual Tremere, able to be utterly practical while also being a sincere hedonist. He is a notable figure in the local society, for both not to seem interested on the politics and yet be involved in virtually everything.

Every week, he promotes parties in his own refuge, drinks and has fun with other members of Camarilla, and sometimes with Anarchs as well. M.A., as he is also known, usually treats everyone the same - with a smile on his face and a bottle of liquor on the other.

However, when it gets to business - Harpy business - he turns extremely serious and does his job - usually getting a little depressed after the 'things' are done.


All members deceased.


Prince Hans Grunnin Von Hunsrück, Tremere, Deceased.

Xeriff Daniel Dantas D'Angelo, Brujah, Deceased.

Everyone that is polite to him.


Harpy Thomas Waits, Deceased.

Everyone that is impolite to him.


Anna Maria Gansen, Deceased



Character Inspirations

Maryann Forrester - True Blood

Jack Sparrow - Pirates of the Caribean


REM - Shiny Happy People - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iCQ0vDAbF7s&NR=1

Sheryl Crow - All I wanna do - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5ouOa9k0gE

Culture Clube - Karma Chameleon - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AtkIB2D3ye0

Wham! - Whake me up before you go-go - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hignzKHphvQ&NR=1

Satisfaction - Rolling Stones - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3a7cHPy04s8

Right Said Fred - I'm too sexy - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=39YUXIKrOFk&feature=related

ABBA - Dancing Queen - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xFrGuyw1V8s

Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_izvAbhExY

The Promise - When In Rome - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zwGeMYBGffs

Supertramp - Easy Does It and Sister Moonshine - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F0AZcBxbxik&feature=related

Like a Rolling Stone - Bob Dylan - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pD-i-yv-Mz8

Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i7ts-n87f0Y&feature=related


"This place is... boring." M.A. at most kindred social gatherings.

"I know you can feel" To a friend.

"Emotions are indeed powerful things." Later, to M.A.

"Your methods are unconventional, at least. But they may work." A much superior Tremere, to M.A.

"You are crazy, but I like you." To a Malkavian friend.

"He is crazy, I don't like him." To a Gangrel, about a Toreador.

"We can think of a way for you to leave this vicious circle of power" To a fellow Tremere, trapped in a vicious circle of power.

"Hello..." turning his head and smiling to the Ventrue girl that just passed.

(Very loud and screaming) "So you are telling me not to be pissed off? I am fucking a neighbor domain's Seneschal's ass, and the Prince comes knocking on my fucking door? How can I not get fucking pissed off?" To the Prince, who entered his room while he was having sex.

"...and there was also a Ventrue Prince that was a Tzimisce!" Pissing all Ventrue off in a Regional Camarilla meeting in Florianópolis.

"I don't like you. You talk too much." To the new Sheriff.

"I don't like you." To a very proeminent Ventrue.

"Go fuck yourself." To a previous Harpy.

"I don't like you. But I can work with you." To the new Prince.

"I still think what you did was very bad." To an Archon.

"I hope he catches fire and dies." To an Harpy, about an Archon.

"Damn... if you want to fuck with me, at least buy me dinner first!" To an Archon.

[Tremere only] His Regent: "You are going to be Regent soon." M.A.: "I doubt that."

"Did anyone took my book about sex?" Opening a door and interrupting a Sheriff meeting with other members.


M.A is as nervous as a Brujah, crazy as a Malkavian, well connected as a Nosferatu, faggot as a Toreador, involved in politics as a Ventrue, and fond of nature as a Gangrel.

M.A is as involved in politics as a Nosferatu, crazy as a Ventrue, well connected as a Gangrel, nervous as a Toreador, fond of nature as a Brujah, and serious as a Malkavian.

He told the Counsel of Primogen that never wanted to be a Harpy. At the same night, he was chosen for the job.

People describe M.A. as "emotive, sensitive and ilogical".

Some of the finest parties in Florianópolis' Camarilla are hosted by him.

At Camarilla's parties, M.A. bets with a Toreador on who gets into more member's pants.

It took a long time of his unlife before he started to get a bit interested in the Camarilla matters.

A tremendous feeling of boredom seems to be his driving force.

He is a somehow old Tremere who went crazy, and never got better.

A Gangrel and a Toreador were seen in a car with him, all naked.

One of his orgies included a Malkavian, a male and a female mortals, a dog, and wall paint.

M.A. is a witch.

The only enemy he has ever had is dead. Apparently, he had nothing to do with it.

Different people go to his parties, from ghouls to Archons.

An Anarch Toreador is one of his best friends.

Even though he is an Harpy, he keeps absolutely no track of favors, status or anything. And usually forgets names too.

People who meet him guess he is either a Toreador, a Brujah or a Gangrel, but never a Tremere.

Many people like him but just don't know why.

An african Gangrel shaman is his oldest friend.

He dates a more powerful, superior and older Tremere. The first time they met there were six days of passionate sex.

In his first month as a Harpy, M.A. removed prestige from four different members, all with more status than him. He did that in one single speech. The prestiges were each given from four different Princes. The members were a Seneschal, a Sheriff and two Primogens.

There is a reason for him to care so but about humanitas. Over a century ago, he almost lost himself to the Beast. It was a long hard struggle rise back part of his human nature.

One of his greatest political maneuver included an orgy, a Seneschal, three dead and a frenzy.

Until recently, M.A. owned no favors to anyone. Now he does. He hates the person with all his heart.

M.A. divides the world into only two kinds of people: the pleasant and the unpleasant ones.

He really likes wodka, drugs and sex. Preferably, together.

One of the times he got angry, he hit his superior's desk with an axe, yelled at his face, disobeyed all his orders, said he was completely wrong and blamed him for the death of a clanmate. He was put foward in the clan that day.

When flirting with a Ventrue, he took a shovel with both hands and hit her in the head. A short time later, they made love.

Once, M.A. was fiercly attacked by Portus. He stopped the attack. Nobody know why he was attacked and how did he stopped it.

He once gave Archon Portus a hug. It was the Archon who requested it.

The second time M.A. removed status from someone, it was a Ventrue. He stripped the *Acknowledged, turning him back to a Child of the Night.

[Tremere only] He was encouraged to be Validus and Arcanum, and denied both of them. He is now Ab Flaidd.