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* Should she and "Couch Tremere" of Springfield, IL Domain ever share the same couch, the area of effect from their Sanctity may very well cause Paradox.
* Should she and "Couch Tremere" of Springfield, IL Domain ever share the same couch, the area of effect from their Sanctity may very well cause Paradox.
     * She and Couch Tremere met... but no couches were involved.
     - She and Couch Tremere met... but no couches were involved.
* She and Vincent Harther were a couple before his untimely death by explosion. And Napalm.
* She and Vincent Harther were a couple before his untimely death by explosion. And Napalm.

Revision as of 10:16, 21 August 2012

Clan Tremere
Position Citizen
Status 1
Domain N/A
Coterie N/A
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 000
Player Morgan T



Amaia Weiss

Amaia Weiss

Real Name: Unknown

Apparent Age: 18-26

Concept: "Complicated little Tremere ray of sunshine."

Physical description:

Amaia is about 5'7" and a lean 120 lbs. Her hair is a short auburn-red that flips at the ends. Her face is heart-shaped and always seems to have a wide-eyed innocence. Her large eyes are the pale kind of blue that almost seems lavender. She is usually seen wearing deep shades of blue, military fatigues, or a combination thereof. She appears sweet and innocent, always there to help. She currently wears a crafts x7 amulet given to her by Prince William_Dunstin,_S._J. of Peoria IL Domain (a small vial of ashes of a diablorist), the chain wrapped with blue cord.

Detailed Status:

Acknowledged by Prince ((when we figure out who her Sire is officially, he did it))

Tremere Only: Apprentice of the First Circle.

Character Information

Known History

For some strange reason... nothing is available. She has been heard to mention being kidnapped several times in her life and un-life, however.

Tremere Only: About the same.




Peoria Malkavians, Peoria Children of Haqim, Peoria Tremere, her Caitiff pals, Vincent the Ventrue, most of Peoria actually, and "The Gremlins."


The bad Garou, those that want to kidnap her.


((When it is official, I'll let you know))





Character Inspirations

Amaia's first incarnation was an evil little Beastie pretending to be a Pooka I played in Changeling. She then became a spastic little Gnome Artificer in Eberron named Momo that was a lot less evil but no less destructive. She was reincarnated for an independent Sci-Fi game in which she was a pre-Awakened Mage using NWoD rules. Still no less destructive. She may have sanctity, but she's still bat-shit insane... and just as destructive.

Sketch of Amaia


((If you have anything in mind you think would work based on your perceptions of her, go ahead and add it :) )


((I honestly can't remember half of what she says, as she goes a mile a minute and changes subjects just as fast.))

  • Amaia: Oh! (hopping excitedly as an idea strikes her)

Eldred to Rookard: It's like a squirrel.


  • By just hugging Kaylin Winters protectively, Amaia frightened away a Black Spiral Dancer that was attacking the Child of Haqim. Why this sudden action would cause such intense fear from the creature is anyone's guess.
  • Strange things happen around her. A lot.
  • She is the sweetest Tremere you could ever meet. Something is obviously wrong.
  • She spends far too much time with the local Malkavians.
  • She is really a Malkavian that is owned by the Tremere.
  • "The Gremlins" are entities that follow Amaia around and feed off of her emotions.
  • "The Gremlins" don't really exist and she just has psychokenetic powers outside of her control.
  • She's just psycho... but in a cute way.
  • She is really a manipulative mastermind positioning the court into doing her bidding like a bored Elder. Only sweet about it.
  • She began a group called "Defense Against Lupines," and has a Defense Against Lupines Fund that anyone can donate to secure the defenses against said Garou.
  • Kaylin Winters was her best friend.
  • Should she and "Couch Tremere" of Springfield, IL Domain ever share the same couch, the area of effect from their Sanctity may very well cause Paradox.
    - She and Couch Tremere met... but no couches were involved.
  • She and Vincent Harther were a couple before his untimely death by explosion. And Napalm.