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(Domain Formation | Formação do Domínio)
(Domain Formation | Formação do Domínio)
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'''The concept of Solo Sagrado transcends cultures, religions and eras, representing a place that has spiritual, cultural and natural significance. This place is considered sacred for several reasons, including the presence of deities, the performance of historical events and the manifestation of exceptional natural features.'''
'''The concept of Solo Sagrado transcends cultures, religions and eras, representing a place that has spiritual, cultural and natural significance. This place is considered sacred for several reasons, including the presence of deities, the performance of historical events and the manifestation of exceptional natural features.'''
'''"In the past, the great Guardian of the Earth emanated three times; so the spirits tell. The Sacred Ground was formed by the need of a people who were dying. From the ground life was made and the veil gave way to the path of the dead. Many years passed Many conflicts passed in the name of a Sacred War that was motivated only by greed and unbridled thirst. When the Solo was lost, the war began and with it a flood of worlds and plans. Ype rescued what he could from the land, dug with his hands and built the first dwelling. Thus was founded the District that bore the name of Sacred Soil in memory. to the ancestors who made it a new history." (Ka'Aguy, The Memory Keeper)'''
'''"In the past, the great Guardian of the Earth emanated three times; so the spirits tell. The Solo Sagrado was formed by the need of a people who were dying. From the ground life was made and the veil gave way to the path of the dead. Many years passed Many conflicts passed in the name of a Sacred War that was motivated only by greed and unbridled thirst. When the Solo was lost, the war began and with it a flood of worlds and plans. Ype rescued what he could from the land, dug with his hands and built the first dwelling. Thus was founded the District that bore the name of Solo Sagrado in memory. to the ancestors who made it a new history." (Ka'Aguy, The Memory Keeper)'''

Revision as of 07:50, 3 July 2024


Overview | Panorama

UBERLÂNDIA align=top

ARAXÁ align=top

Location | Localização



The Domain | O Dominio

The Court | A Corte

The Council | O Conselho

Each Primogen is responsible for a clan. | Cada Conselheiro é responsável por um clã.


Primogen Assamite | Primogênito Assamita


Primogen Brujah | Primogênito Brujah


Primogen Gangrel | Primogênito Gangrel


Primogen Malkavian | Primogênito Malkaviano


Primogen Nosferatu | Primogênito Nosferatu


Primogen Toreador | Primogênito Toreador


Primogen Tremere | Primogênita Tremere


Primogen Ventrue | Primogênito Ventrue

Domain Auxiliaries | Auxiliares do Domínio

Members | Membros

Externals | Externos

Externals Independents | Externos Independentes

Elders | Anciões

Founders Elders | Anciões Fundadores


Casa de Cultura de Uberlândia


Main Elisium of the District and which was renovated by the Toreador, using the old deposits, had its Underground Galleries restored, and which now who serve the Camarilla.

Elysium Principal da Comarca, que foi reformado pelos Toreador, usando os antigos depósitos, teve suas Galerias Subterrâneas restauradas, e agora servem à Camarilla.


Antagonists | Antagonistas


Known History | História Conhecida

Domain Formation | Formação do Domínio

EN-US The concept of Solo Sagrado transcends cultures, religions and eras, representing a place that has spiritual, cultural and natural significance. This place is considered sacred for several reasons, including the presence of deities, the performance of historical events and the manifestation of exceptional natural features.
"In the past, the great Guardian of the Earth emanated three times; so the spirits tell. The Solo Sagrado was formed by the need of a people who were dying. From the ground life was made and the veil gave way to the path of the dead. Many years passed Many conflicts passed in the name of a Sacred War that was motivated only by greed and unbridled thirst. When the Solo was lost, the war began and with it a flood of worlds and plans. Ype rescued what he could from the land, dug with his hands and built the first dwelling. Thus was founded the District that bore the name of Solo Sagrado in memory. to the ancestors who made it a new history." (Ka'Aguy, The Memory Keeper)

PT-BR O conceito de Solo Sagrado transcende culturas, religiões e épocas, representando um local que possui significância espiritual, cultural e natural. Este local é considerado sagrado por diversos motivos, incluindo a presença de divindades, a realização de eventos históricos e a manifestação de características naturais excepcionais.
"No passado, o grande Guardião da Terra emanou três vezes; assim contam os espíritos. O Solo Sagrado foi formado pela necessidade de um povo que estava morrendo. Do chão se fez a vida e o véu cedeu ao caminho dos mortos. Muitos anos se passaram. Muitos conflitos em nome de uma Guerra Sagrada que foi motivada apenas por ganância e sede desenfreada. Quando o Solo se perdeu, a guerra começou e com ela uma enxurrada de mundos e de planos. Quando a realidade parou de girar, a Elder Tekove Ype resgatou o que podia da terra, cavou com as mãos e ergueu a primeira morada. Assim foi fundada a Comarca que levou em sua memória o nome de Solo Sagrado. Para marcar um tempo em que a existência nunca mais trará de volta. Uma homenagem aos ancestrais que fizeram dela uma nova história." (Ka'Aguy, Guardião das Memórias)

Prince Galery | Galeria de Príncipes

Rumors | Rumores

  1. The Domain is under a mysterious cultist attack.
  1. O Domínio está sob um misterioso ataque de cultistas.

R.I.P. – Rest in Peace | Descanse em Paz

This category currently contains no pages or media.