Calliandra Grimm

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Clan Malkavian
Position Servire
Status 1
Domain Vitória
Coterie ???
Society The Compass Academy
Path Humanity ???
Player Mirtila


Calliandra Grimm

Alias(es): Calliandra Grimm

Real Name: ??

Apparent Age: 25

Concept: Just a little baby

Physical description:

Calliandra is an afro-latina young woman, of medium height and somewhat fit build. Her eyes glint with curiosity and novelty, as she seems to take an interest on what happens around her, as they perfectly compliment her curly hair with coffee highlights. She has an unimposing posture and although she might be considered good-looking (app 4), there is nothing particularly remarkable about her, except that, when she smiles, her whole face lights up and may prompt people to smile along. She carries herself with politeness and courtesy, enough to blend in. Her demeanor is approachable, inviting even, as she seems easy to start a conversation with. When she speaks, she clearly has a Brazilian accent.

Detailed Status:

Acknowledged by His Serene Radiance Prince Imran Alshaya, Prince of Cambridge (2022)
Cherished by Aloysius Grimm, Malkavian Primogen of Cambridge
Radiant by Calton Kalmir, Sovereign Prince of São José dos Campos
Humane, as member of the Compass Academy.

Character Information

Known History

Little is known of this neonate who was embraced into the Court of Cambridge, except that she is brazillian and that she plays violin. Having spent her earlier years under the wing of her sire, she decided to travel back to Brazil and establish herself in the Domain of Vitória.





Aloysius Grimm



Character Inspirations

Lost Girl
Fiddler on the Roof


Goodnight Moon - Shivaree
Mirrors - Justin Timberlake (Boyce Avenue feat. Fifth Harmony cover)


"Importada dos dois lados", by Regininha
