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*Jon-Apolo de Soult is rumored to be a Ravnos who is infiltrating Clan Tremere for the Toreador.
*Jon-Apolo de Soult is rumored to be a Ravnos who is infiltrating Clan Tremere for the Toreador.
*Jon-Apolo de Soult is rumored to guard a dark secret for the Lazarion family.
*Jon-Apolo de Soult is rumored to guard a dark secret for the Lazarion family.
*Jon-Apolo de Soult is rumored to be a grand-Childe of [[Arcades Daemos]].
*Jon-Apolo de Soult is rumored to be an agent for [[Cock Robin]], feeding information from the Tremere to the Nosferatu.
*Jon-Apolo de Soult is rumored to be an agent for [[Cock Robin]], feeding information from the Tremere to the Nosferatu.
*Jon-Apolo de Soult is rumored to kill children for sport.
*Jon-Apolo de Soult is rumored to kill children for sport.
*Jon-Apolo de Soult is a Sabbat sympathizer.
*Jon-Apolo de Soult is a Sabbat sympathizer.

Revision as of 00:16, 14 June 2011

Clan Tremere
Position Seneschal
Status 5+2
Domain Springfield, IL
Coterie None
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity ???
Player iron.avatar@gmail.com



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Alias(es): None

Real Name: Unknown

Apparent Age: 34 years old


Physical description: A 34 year-old man with short brown hair and a muscular build in jeans and a t-shirt. At 6’ tall, he looks somewhat like Michelangelo’s “David.” In conversations, he is animated and flirtatious, and never seems to take anything too seriously.

Detailed Status:

  • Acknowledged - Marquis de Versailles for Francois Villon, Prince of France
  • Innovative - Verity Valerious, former Prince of Springfield, Illinois
  • Respected - Isaac Lazarion, Sheriff of Memphis, Tennessee
  • Dedicated - Verity Valerious, former Prince of Springfield, Illinois
  • Entertaining - Cock Robin, Justicar of Clan Nosferatu
  • Cherished and Esteemed as Seneschal of Springfield, Illinois

(Tremere only: Apprentice of the Fifth Circle under Regent Phillips)

Character Information

Known History

Embraced in Europe sometime in the last century, Jon-Apolo is a recent transplant to the United States. Why he was embraced into Clan Tremere is a matter of conjecture, as his physical appearance sets him apart from the majority of his clan. His congenial and affable nature further distinguishes him from his clan-mates, and makes him popular in the social circles of the Camarilla.

Jon-Apolo is known to be a rake, scoundrel and a womanizer. His often scandalous behavior, while amusing to the Camarilla at large, has made him unpopular within his own clan. Despite his clan’s disapproval (or perhaps because of it), he is often overheard chiding his clan about their aloof and secretive nature, and their lack of social graces.

In early 2011, many Kindred noticed a pronounced change come over Jon-Apolo. His normally devil-may-care attitude was replaced by a quiet, brooding melancholy. Whispers in Elysium speculate that he was deeply shaken by the death of longtime ally and friend Jakob Phuridae. Darker rumors yet hint that he was tainted by encounters with malefic spiritual entities, or that he hunts mortals for some perverse pleasure. Whatever the cause, his actions have given many Kindred cause for worry ....


The Pentarc


The Camarilla

Alexis Sutherland-- "A Tremere's Tremere: there is none better."
Dr. Adrienne Stratton, PhD-- "Beauty AND brains. What's not to love?"
Ein Salerno-- "Our clans may be at odds, but he has proven his honor and his integrity. I'd trust him with my life."
Elias Beecher-- "For a creepy, Eddie Munster looking mother fucker, he's good people."
Francis Merivein-- "He sees beyond the obvious; I wish the rest of the Clan valued his opinion as much as I do."
Jakob Phuridae-- "You will be missed."
Jonathan Hammer-- "A gentleman's gentleman."
Damian Redding-- "I respect him. I don't understand him, or know anything about him, but I respect him."
Isaac Lazarion-- "Efficient, diligent and capable; he just needs to loosen up a bit. Or a lot."
Jennica Sparrow-- "Wild, untamed, beautiful. All of a woman's strengths, with none of a woman's frailties."
Matthias Blackstone-- "I like a man who knows how to use his hands."


None Acknowledged







Character Inspirations



  • "I love your outfit. It reeks of taste."
  • "Francis and I have something in common … we both love me."
  • "Can you handle yourself in a fight? Good, because I’m too pretty to be brawling with thugs."
  • "Elias, that is adorable! You know, you're almost as funny as a normal-sized person."
  • "When I said 'Whore of Babylon,' I meant it in the nicest possible way."

  • "Jakob Phuridae died to protect this domain, and the Camarilla. You are not deserving of that sacrifice."


  • Jon-Apolo de Soult is rumored to have no expertise with his clan’s trademark gift, the magical discipline of Thaumaturgy.
  • Jon-Apolo de Soult, despite being connected with many powerful and beautiful female Kindred, is rumored to be gay.
  • Jon-Apolo de Soult has an unnatural fondness for a world-famous brand of chocolate and vanilla sandwich cookies.
  • Jon-Apolo de Soult is rumored to be a Nosferatu who is infiltrating Clan Tremere.
  • Jon-Apolo de Soult is rumored to have had a clandestine affair with Cock Robin that lasted the better part of a century, but which ended tragically when the Nosferatu became Justicar and decided the young Tremere was a liability to his position.
  • Jon-Apolo de Soult was a Tzimisce ghoul and that is the reason for his unearthly appearance.
  • Jon-Apolo de Soult once attempted to seize Praxis of Luxembourg but European Toreador forced him to flee the continent.
  • Jon-Apolo de Soult is rumored to have ruthlessly murdered an angel.
  • Jon-Apolo de Soult is an angel, and one day he's going to kill a lot of us.
  • Jon-Apolo de Soult is rumored to be a Brujah who is infiltrating Clan Tremere.
  • Jon-Apolo de Soult is rumored to be a triple-agent, but for whom is unknown.
  • Jon-Apolo de Soult is rumored to be a Ravnos who is infiltrating Clan Tremere for the Toreador.
  • Jon-Apolo de Soult is rumored to guard a dark secret for the Lazarion family.
  • Jon-Apolo de Soult is rumored to be a grand-Childe of Arcades Daemos.
  • Jon-Apolo de Soult is rumored to be an agent for Cock Robin, feeding information from the Tremere to the Nosferatu.
  • Jon-Apolo de Soult is rumored to kill children for sport.
  • Jon-Apolo de Soult is a Sabbat sympathizer.