Jennica Sparrow

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Clan Gangrel
Position None
Status 4
Coterie None
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 000
Player Kimberly



File:Bio Picture.png
Jennica Sparrow

Aliases: Jen, the Fair, Lady Sparrow, (Gangrel Only: Calamity Jane)

Real Name: Unknown

Apparent Age: early 30s

Physical Description: Jennica is a tall, willowy woman with stunning pale features. (Gorgeous x5, Magnetic x3) She has dark blue eyes and long, wavy red hair typically worn loose around her shoulders. At court, she tends toward formal clothing in dark colors, be it a well-tailored suit or an understated cocktail dress, always with heels. Outside of court, she prefers menswear--trousers and button-down shirts, sweaters and vests, and the occasional tie. Few have caught her in anything as casual as a pair of jeans.

Detailed Status:

  • Acknowledged by Patrick Reval, former Prince of Athens, Georgia
  • Respected by word of Richard King, former Prince of Northern Virginia
  • Just by word of Jordan Drake, former Prince of Athens, Georgia
  • Proper by word of Archon Hugo Valentine, former Prince of Columbus

Known History

Kimberly playing Jennica

She is the resplendent other,
the glorious dark horizon.
To be in her arms is to be in her confidence,
and in her heart there is a vast plain
where dead men sleep.

Very little is known of Jennica's past, which she prefers not to discuss; bits and pieces are best gleaned from those who have known her a while.

It is supposed that she wandered the country for many years before making her formal debut into Camarilla society, being a natural loner and uncomfortable with relinquishing her anonymity. The years that followed, however, made her allegiance clear, culminating in her decision to remain with the Camarilla when the majority of her clan tore itself away. She never publicly regretted the decision, and developed a reputation for strict adherence to the Traditions and the practice of prestation. Armed with this knowledge and conviction, Jennica served as the Harpy of Athens, Georgia for several years under the Malkavian Prince Jordan Drake. Subsequent changes in the administration saw Jennica also serve as Sheriff of Athens, before she took praxis in the spring of 2010.

Perusing her recent history, once might believe Jennica has radically rejected her clan's stereotypical penchant for wandering between domains, to the point of being dubbed a "city Gangrel" by those lacking wit for better insults. In the instances where she does leave home, her travels seem driven less by wanderlust than to some commitment to an untold plan. Recently ousted from praxis by a clanmate, her current whereabouts are unknown.


"Coteries are for people who don't love the Camarilla enough."


Kimberly as Jennica with Ash Williams

Jennica isn't one to talk politics on a regular basis, and rarely makes deals--or offers any, for that matter. But based on who she spends her time talking to, it can be assumed she likes the following people, in non-offensive alphabetical order:


"Enemies happen."


Jennica speaks of her sire rarely, and even then, passes over his name: Silas. Those Gangrel who knew him recall a man with unremarkable features and a quiet disposition, given to contemplative wandering and steady temperament. Though rumored to be physically powerful, he shied from fights and crowds. He is presumed dead.


The woman will tell you she has no broodmates, and wouldn't want them, either.


None known to the public.

Character Inspirations

  • George Washington Vanderbilt
  • Violet Jessup
  • "Steppenwolf" by Herman Hesse
  • Galadriel from "The Lord of the Rings" trilogy
  • Paladin from "Have Gun, Will Travel"
  • "I Am a Cowboy in the Boat of Ra" by Ishmael Reed
  • Dina from "I Am Dina"
  • Sam Bell from "Moon"


  • "She Wolf" | Shakira
  • "Can't Be Tamed" | Miley Cyrus
  • "Face Down" | The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus
  • "Every Day is the Same" | Nine Inch Nails
  • "Black Horse and Cherry Tree" | KT Tunstall
  • "Ladylike" | Storm Large
  • "Fighter" | Christina Aguilera
  • "Kismet" | Bond
  • "Baby Now" | Nichole Alden
  • "Mysterious Ways" | U2
  • "Lux Aeterna" | Clint Mansell
  • "Drowned World/Substitute for Love" | Madonna
  • "RCV 20:22" | Puscifer


"Fiat justitia."

"Legends have lives, too."

Jennica: "Strength without discipline is wild, destructive. But discipline without strength is vulnerable."
Wei Mu Tian: "I think, that strength is also not sufficient. Kindness, humility and compassion. These traits are weak but they are also correct."

Ash Williams: "I love you, Jennica Sparrow."

"If I ever disappear, check Primogen Williams's basement."

Crumpton: "I noticed you noticing me, so this is just to tell you, I'm putting you on notice."
Jennica: "...what does that even mean?"
Crumpton: "Whatever you want it to mean." Winks.

Remy DeLaurent: "I saw this and I thought of you." Hands Jennica a pin that says "I haven't killed anyone all day. Do I get a cookie?"

Jeice Kincaid: Describing Jennica. "Classic sexy, mixed with that look of 'I will cut your balls off for my own amusement' feyish charm."

Justin Lazarion: "I thought that you were haunting beautiful, and also a complete mystery. You guard yourself very strongly in court, and never truly show emotion. I never really blamed the game with you..."


  • She was the inspiration for "As The Sparrow," a poem written by Charles Bukowski.
  • Jennica Sparrow is a strict Camarilla authoritarian to compensate in case it ever comes out that she's an escaped shovelhead.
  • The polished, professional exterior is just a cover for a vicious and bloodthirsty killer. She sometimes jokes about keeping Sabbat members and other miscreants in her basement. She's not joking.
  • Hector Reval took her praxis because she didn't pass out status for actions she considered "the duty of an ordinary citizen." The populace obviously disagreed!
  • Jennica won't fight Hector Reval to reclaim praxis of Athens because she is secretly a pacifist. The idea of murdering a clanmate for political power makes her sick.
  • Jennica Sparrow compensates for her disdain with being female by speaking with an overly authoritative, yet androgynous voice. Only Silhouette knows what it sounds like when she laughs.
  • She is known among older Gangrel as Calamity Jane, though no one seems to remember why.
  • Jennica was a close friend and inspiration to many key figures in the women's suffrage movement, and later in the century, the women's liberation movement. Her very thin body is the result of a spell in prison where she joined a hunger strike. Her preference for masculine clothing is overcompensation in an attempt to downplay feminine traits.
  • After the now-famous meeting in New Orleans, Jennica wrote the first drafts of the "Rinaldi Doctrine" while sitting in an oak tree.