Alexei Semago - Deceased

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Clan Brujah
Position Scourge
Status 2+1
Domain Twin Cities, MN
Coterie None
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 0
Player Lance Schlenker



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Stanislav Karakova

Real Name: You have to ask him, if you dare

Apparent Age:Early 30's

Concept: Russian Hitman

Physical description: Alexei stands 5’10” with an average build. Appears to be of European descent and has average features with brown hair and a pale complexion. The one distinguishing characteristic is a scar that runs down his right cheek. He claims to be from St. Petersburg but his English is flawless. Although he has been known to speak Russian equally as well. In addition, all that come near Alexei soon realize that he is a predator amongst the sheep.

Alexei is usually dressed in dark, military style clothing, better to hide the blood and the brain matter and is always heavily armed.

Detailed Status:
Acknowledged by Prince Nikolai of St. Petersburg, Russia
Feared as Scourge under Prince Morgan Wynn Howell

Character Information

Known History

Little is known about Alexei before his arrival in the domain of the Twin Cities in November of 2011. His cold demeanor and curt answers have left his past a mystery. What people know about Alexei is that he is a member of Clan Brujah who came from St. Petersburg, Russia. Alexei has also freely admitted to working in the underworld as hit-man.

Since his arrival Alexei has made a name for himself as a brutal individual, becoming Scourge for the domain after only a couple of months of residence. It is rare for a gathering to go by without Alexei threatening to shoot someone, usually with the backing of the Prince. This constant threat of violence has made Alexei a solitary figure in the court that few wish to approach. Only Prince Morgan Wynn Howell, Keeper Nekoj Kustic, and Primogen Baeddan Stone seem to freely speak with Alexei. The rest of the court keeps a respectful distance, especially Clan Toreador who seems to have become the target of Alexei’s more violent comments as of late.

More recently Alexei was seen getting into an argument with Prince Saif Al Din of La Crosse at a gathering. This nearly wordless argument lead to Prince Saif Al Din demanding that Alexei shoot him, which was backed by a command from Prince Morgan Wynn Howell. After shooting Prince Saif Al Din four times Alexei stood silently and allowed himself to be battered three times by Saif Al Din (who was using a chainsaw at the time) with only one phrase passing between the two of them. The argument ended, the gathering went on as if nothing happened, just another night in the Twin Cities.



Known Allies


Suspected Allies

Primogen Nekoj Kustic
Prince Morgan Wynn Howell
Saif Al Din of La Crosse
Primogen Priscilla Howell
Keeper D
Assistant Scourge Elliot Aunder

Known Enemies


Suspected Enemies

Sheriff Sylphain Delille
Natasha Taylor
Joshua White
Saif Al Din of La Crosse


No one has dared to ask about Alexei's sire




None that are still alive

Character Inspirations

The Professional
The Operative from Serenity


Legal Assassin - Repo: The Genetic Opera Soundtrack
National Anthem of the Soviet Union
Blood On My Hands - Ghoultown
Shot A Man In Reno - Johnny Cash


  • "First I would shoot the ghoul. No, she hasn't done anything wrong yet. It would be a learning lesson."
  • "You probably shouldn't piss off the person that will be removing you from the city if you don't get Hospitality." commenting to Joshua White who was waiting to get Hospitality."
  • "The next person that doesn't have Hospitality and has an attitude when I ask them who they have spoken with and we are not in Elysium will get shot until I run out of bullets....and I have a lot of bullets!"
  • "I'm sorry, I wasn't paying any attention to anything you were saying. If you'll excuse me, I have somewhere slightly less useless to be."


  • Alexei is so close to his Beast that the Giovanni wanted to help him work on his humanity.
  • He scared the Malkavians so bad his first night on Elysium that they built a blanket fort to hide from him.
  • Wants to kill EVERYBODY.
  • Wants to shoot everybody.
  • At gather, Prince Morgan Wynn Howell asks Alexei who he would shoot and why. It's only a matter of time before Howell will give him the go-ahead...
  • Has an absolute loathing of horses.
  • The Scar on his face came from Stalin who was upset with him at the time.
  • Is surprisingly rather fond of squirrels. They make for excellent target practice.
  • Fiona "Fifi!" LeStrange is setting him up to be her successor as Brujah Primogen
  • Alexei spends one night a year at a theme park winning stuffed animals for little children.
  • Killed the ghoul of one of the Primogen and replaced it with something of "equivalent value" ... a kitchen mixer. With a meat-grinder attachment.
  • Has been asked to un-man a human and put it in a pickle jar.
  • Prince Morgan Howell's lapdog
  • Broke his record for kindred of fewest words in early December and had many court members convinced it was someone else masked as Alexei
  • The reason Alexei was limping all night at a gather in early December was that Dr. Herbert Kaufman broke his leg in a disagreement earlier that evening.
  • Alexei withdrew his own status of Trustworthy because he felt that a Scourge should never be publicly labelled as worthy of one's trust.