Oliver Whitkirk

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Clan Ghoul
Position None
Status None
Domain Columbus, OH
Coterie ???
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 000
Player Derek Howard



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Alias(es): Unknown, if any

Real Name: Oliver Whitkirk

Apparent Age: Mid to late 20s

Concept: Globetrotting socialite and academic, Well-paid occult consultant

Physical description: Oliver is a handsome man with short, light brown hair and blue eyes. He is usually smiling, but can be very serious when the occasion calls for it. He usually dresses "like a damn professor", favoring khaki or corduroy pants, argyle sweaters, and button-down shirts. The schoolyard charmer in him shows up in that the tails of his shirts are usually sticking out of the bottom of his sweaters. Recently, Oliver has started donning a red leather motorcycle racing jacket that gives him a whole new demeanor. As of October 2011, Oliver has been seen with a nearly shaved head and a more sullen look.

Detailed Status: None. (Tremere only: Acolyte of the Fifth Circle, House Arcanum)

Character Information

Known History

Oliver is a graduate of Oxford with degrees in Linguistics and Art History and has publicly been a retainer for Clan Tremere for just over a year. He is known for having a quick wit and being somewhat insubordinate. Despite this, he is a well liked and loyal retainer to the Clan, able to adapt to many different situations, be it combat or academic studies. While living in Ohio, Oliver spends much of his public time hanging out at the Kindred gatherings of Springfield,IL.

(Clan Tremere only: Oliver is known to be a runner for House Arcanum, running books across the country to chantries in need of resources. He is also known to have been on the front line of reaquisitioning the library of the sacked Horned Society chantry in St. Louis, MO, now deep in Anarch territory.)





Malcolm Calloway, Clan Tremere

Character Inspirations



"Um no. I enjoy sex, cheeseburgers, and noon too much."- Oliver being asked if he wanted the Embrace

"You look like a damn professor who just crashed a frat party, drank all their booze, stole all their women, and still managed to teach an 8AM class."


  • While the ghouling process normally grants ghouls the ability to augment their physical capabilities, in Oliver it allowed him to learn the native Tremere discipline of Auspex.
  • Oliver is known for spouting off about his hatred for the Kindred ability to possess others.
  • Oliver is rumored to be infernal, but it was by accident.