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Clan Toreador
Position Archon
Status 9
Domain Rome
Coterie Toreador Justicariate Office
Society {{{Society}}}
Path 00
Player Jen "Loopy" Smith



Lady Ophelia, Archon to Justicar Petronius

Lady Ophelia

Real Name: Unknown

Apparent Age: 23

Concept: French Noblewoman

Physical description: Lady Ophelia is tall, willowy and graceful, with extremely long dark brown hair and deep green eyes. Her complexion is strikingly pale. She dresses stylishly, preferring long gowns and jewel-tone colors. Her hair is almost always up, styled elaborately and incorporating many decorative pins and hair sticks.

Detailed Status:

Acknowledged, Adored, Cherished, Esteemed, Loyal, Loyal, Trustworthy, Empowered (by position), Feared (by position).

Character Information

Known History

Justicar Petronius’ right hand is the Lady Ophelia. She is the one the Roses seek to request an audience with His Elegance and often serves as the voice that calls Roses to the Justicar should he desire an audience himself.

Ophelia became Chief Archon when Petronius assumed the Justicarial seat for Clan Toreador. A Toreador herself, she tends to speak eloquently and often, guiding the younger members of her Clan to an understanding of the Elder's strange ways. She is French by nationality, and is reputed to have been French nobility as well. Ophelia was once known as an accomplished harpist, but she dropped out of the Toreador public arena more than 200 years ago, when she entered into Petronius' service. Her talent with a harp remains strong however, and her recent performances have all focused on ancient Roman poetry and songs--it seems she is accomplished at translating ancient works into modern music.

Lady Ophelia has a dark reputation as Petronius' right hand. Her eloquence and poise cannot completely overcome the rumors that she undertakes Petronius' most secret (and most discreet) tasks. Despite the intrigue, or perhaps because of it, she seems to be earning the respect and adoration of the neonate Kindred who go to her for assistance and guidance. She was known to be the lover of Archon Lucretia, of Clan Malkavian, who was recently slain defending Petronius in Rome.


Toreador Justicariate, including Justicar Titus_Petronius_Niger


Several Children of Haquim

