Lilyan Townsend

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Clan Toreador
Position Senechal
Status 6+2
Domain Greater NY
Coterie None
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 000
Player Janel Norris



Alias(es): Lilyan Elizabeth Townsend,

Apparent Age: 21

Concept: archeologist British socialite

Physical description: Lily is 5' 7" with very fair skin. She has bright blue eyes and is very lovely. Her hair is a soft brown that falls to her waist in loose ringlets though it is usually tied up in elaborate ways. She moves very gracefully and is impeccably dressed at all times. very poised. She is often found wearing a black trench coat with a shield painted on the back with a Celtic knot design made of thorns with the Latin phrase "Shield of thorns" underneath it. Gorgeous x3 Seductive x2 alluring x2 enchanting voice

Detailed Status:

  • Acknowledged by Mukhtar Bey Egypt
  • Admired by word of Julian St. John, former Prince of Hartford CT
  • Cherished by word of Patrick Cross, former prince of Westchester, NY
  • Inspiring by word of Shenivier Dubois, Former Prince of DC
  • Valiant by word of Shenivier Dubois, Former Prince of DC
  • Praised by word of Johnathan Evans Prince of Greater NY
  • Esteemed Senechal
  • Cherished Senechal

Character Information

Known History

  • Only daughter of wealthy British socialites
  • Lived in Egypt as an archeologist until 1930s
  • became a famous painter
  • Harpy of Westchester NY for 3 years
  • Formerly Prince of Westchester NY




Johnathan Gwynn (Aka Johnathan Giovanni) Calliope Van Horne Sariel of the Sefirot (aka Cameron Poe)(deceased) Gabriel of the Sefirot Khamael of the Sefirot Tetsu Dickie Redman Joe Evans Vincent Velario Eva Luna Vincent Velario James Gunnerson (deceased) Sheniver Debois Chantel Rousseau Alice Liddell


None Living


  • Unknown to most


  • none


Sariel of the Sefirot (aka Cameron Poe)

Character Inspirations

Rachel Weisz as Evy Carnahan in The Mummy trilogy



"While I am the master of violence in silettos it's always good to be prepared." Lilyan Townsend


Lily is rumored to be something of a defender of the Toreador quick to come to the aid of younger clanmates