Category:Domain:Twin Cities, MN

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Court of the Twin Cities

Domain of the Minneapolis-St. Paul metropolitan area, Minnesota.
(OOC: visit Obsidian Towers for more info!)

Court Officers

Primogen Council

  • Brujah: Tiago Rangel
    • Whip: Lillian McCoy
  • Children of Haqim: (under Brujah Primogen)
  • Gangrel: Mark
  • Malkavian: Vacant
  • Nosferatu: Jack
  • Toreador: Vacant
  • Tremere: Vacant
  • Ventrue: Terry Gardner

Laws of the Domain

There are those that do not understand the basics of being a Kindred, of being part of our sect. Their foolish behavior endangers us or is disrespectful to their betters. I state these laws so that everyone is aware that we follow the Old World traditions here. These are the laws of my Domain, to be followed in additon to the Traditions. Failure to follow these laws shall result in severe punishment or Final Death.

1. During Formal Court all Kindred must appear in their original body As a sign of respect, to my Praxis, all Kindred that are in attendence at my Formal Courts must appear in their original bodies. Appearing in an Obfuscated mask is acceptable but arriving while in possession of a mortal form will be seen as a great sign of disrespect and will be punished according to your standing.

2. Unsanctioned Diablerie will be punished in the harshest of terms This should be a law I do not need to state but a respected member of this Domain committed Diablerie without the Right of Amaranth three times on members of the Sabbat. That individual has met Final Death by my hand. Diablerie without the Right of Amaranth is a most serious crime and will be punished as such. Anyone who aids in hiding this crime will be punished in the same manner as those that commit this heinous act, Final Death.

3. Entering the store known as Magus Books is punishable by Final Death Any Kindred that is found to have enter Magus Books shall be put to death for endangering the safety of my Domain.

4. Anyone who attempts to gather information on the owner of Magus Books shall receive Final Death as punishement Any Kindred that tries to find where the owner of Magus Books lives or attempts to trace him in any way shall be put to death for endangering the safety of my Domain.

5. Any Kindred that feels a cold chill or shiver when touched by a member of Clan Tremere shall have the right to stake or torpor It has come to my attention that Clan Tremere has a magical ritual that allows them to touch you with an item that will steal some of your blood and will replace it with their blood in an attempt to Blood Bond you. I find this unacceptable! This ritual, as a side affect, produces a cold chill or shiver when it is activated. If when any member of Clan Tremere touches you there is an unexplained cold chill or shiver you have the right to stake or torpor them. They are to be brought before me or my Seneschal and we will determine if they have been attempting to Blood Bond you. This behavior is unacceptable. I have already put to Final Death one member of Clan Tremere that attempted to do this to a member of my Primogen Council.

6. No Kindred shall cause harm to the Hmong population of the Twin Cities To end the issues that were plaguing St. Paul, James Carter, serving as Seneschal, has negotiated that no Kindred shall harm the Hmong population but neither will the magic user Pow Xing harm any Kindred. Any who attempt to harm the Hmong shall meet Final Death by the hands of either my Seneschal, James Carter, or my own hand.

Rules for Formal Court


The free form courts that this Domain was use to under Morgan Wynn Howell are at an end. We will be returning to a more formal structure, a more rigid structure for my formal courts. What follows is how individuals will conduct themselves during my court.

General outline: The general outline for my courts will be as follows-
1) Prince’s greeting
2) Beginning Announcements from the Prince
3) Granting of Hospitality
4) Announcements from the Seneschal
5) Primogen announcements and business
6) Court Officer announcements and business
7) Members of the Domain with high standing announcements and business
8) General audience announcements and business
9) Granting of Standing , Rewards, and Punishiment
10) Opportunities for non-members of the Camarilla to speak should they be invited to court
11) Ending Announcements from the Prince

This will be the general format of all formal courts. In rare instances there may be changes to this format but they will be based off of the needs of the Domain and made at my discretion.

General Court Rules: No longer will each Primogen, each Court Officer be called upon at every court. It is a wasteful exercise. No longer will each member, whether of high standing or low standing, be allowed to speak freely during formal court. We will observe more formal rules.

All of those that wish to speak during a court, without first being called upon by me, must be put on the agenda. The keeper of this agenda will be the Seneschal. Seneschal Carter will decide if the matter you wish to present at court is worthy of being discussed at court, in public view and using the Domain’s precious time, or is appropriate for a small, more informal setting. One exception to this rule is the granting of Hospitality. All requests for Hospitality will be brought up during formal court. Seneschal Carter will also decide in what order each matter is presented within each section of the format. Requests for Hospitality will still be subject to the Seneschal’s decision on what order each person requesting Hospitality shall be spoken with. There will be other rules on Hospitality that will be discussed later.

If you disagree with the Seneschal’s decisions on if and when you are allowed to speak during a formal court DO NOT bring these matters to me. Take such a matter to your Primogen or if you are a Primogen take it to the Harpy. Should the matter demand my attention they will bring it to me. I will be most displeased if I must handle petty squabbling. I am sure the Seneschal will weigh each person’s standing and the importance of what they wish to discuss in making his decisions.

While there is a section where anyone who is a member of the Camarilla with the status of Acknowledged may speak, should the Seneschal put them on the Agenda, it is highly recommended that they think carefully before doing so without support. I will weigh your words more carefully if you are sponsored by a member of high standing, a Court Officer, or a Primogen. Should one of the aforementioned individuals agree to sponsor your cause you may speak during their section after they have introduced you. I am sure that this is a foreign concept to some so I will provide an example.

Bart Brujah is only Acknowledged within the Camarilla but has an important topic to discuss regarding a matter of Street influence. Bart Brujah could speak with the Seneschal on his own and waiting until the General Audience section of court. Bart realizes the matter requires more attention than that so he goes to his Primogen, Billy Brujah. Bart is able to convince his Primogen that his topic is important, I am sure there are a number of ways that this could happen. His Primogen agrees to sponsor him at court. So Primogen Billy Brujah goes to the Seneschal and requests to be put on the agenda and the Seneschal agrees. During the Primogen section of court the Seneschal calls on the Brujah Primogen. Billy Brujah steps forward and announces that he has sponsored the cause of Bart Brujah and that Bart Brujah has a matter of importance to discuss. Bart then steps forward and presents his case.

Be warned, if you sponsor someone and they, excuse my crude language, fuck up, I will remember, my Seneschal will remember and I am sure that the Harpy will remember.

Granting of Hospitality: Moving forward for Kindred that wish to pursue residency in this Domain there will be a new procedure for obtaining Hospitality. Formal granting of Hospitality will only be happening at formal courts. Individuals that arrive in the domain between formal courts will present themselves to the Seneschal for what I am titling provisional Hospitality. Provisional Hospitality carries the same protections as Hospitality but does not imply longer permission to reside in my Domain. As long as there are no issues between the granting of provisional Hospitality by the Seneschal and my next formal court there should be no issue with me granting Hospitality. If there are issues then I will reevaluate the request.

There will be two exceptions to this rule. The first is for temporary visitors, especially visiting dignitaries from other Domains. I will speak with these individuals on the evening they are in the Domain. The second exception is for individuals that the Seneschal believes are questionable or of a concerning nature. The decision on their Hospitality will be made that evening by me. The Seneschal will also have the discretionary power to bring individuals of importance to me between formal courts for Granting of Hospitality and audience with me.

The procedure for presentation to be granted Hospitality will be similar to other sections of my courts agenda. The order of who will be granted Hospitality will be determined by the Seneschal. When the individual is called forward they will be presented by the Primogen representing that clan. If there is no Primogen representing that clan and there is no arrangement for another clans Primogen to do the presentation it will fall to the Harpy to present the individual. Remember, if you present an individual and ask that they be granted Hospitality you are speaking for them. Should they be complete disasters I will remember this and will be most displeased.

Seneschal Absence: Should the Seneschal’s duties make it so that he cannot make a formal court these procedures will still be in affect but I will announce who shall fill in for the Seneschal for that evening. It will either be a member of my Primogen Council or the Harpy.