M. Lancelot Chesnokov

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Clan Toreador
Position None
Status 1
Domain Annapolis, MD
Coterie None
Society None
Path Humanity 00
Player Leah S


This level of placidity is very unusual.

Lance, drunknotpurple on TikTok (at least right now)

Real Name: Mikhail Lancelot Chesnokov

Apparent Age: Very early 20s

Concept: One who suffers beautifully but probably deserves most of it

Physical description:
Lance is a truly exemplary specimen of the human visage. With dark curls, fair skin, stunning blue eyes, delicate features, and a somewhat feverish flush to his cheeks and lips, he very much embodies the Victorian ideal of consumptive beauty. And he is very much more properly termed beautiful than he is handsome, for he is androgynous at best and really quite feminine in a lot of ways. He is tiny though, standing at no more than five and a half feet on a good night and weighing little more than a hundred ten or so pounds soaking wet. His looks are exquisite in a way that invites as much admiration from a distance as it draws you in to get a closer look (*Gorgeous x4, *Magnetic x5). Every movement that he makes appears intentional and done with a dancer's grace and precision (*Graceful x5). Despite all of this, but for a somewhat bestial air brought on by his low Humanity, Lance does not appear undead in much of any way. There's heat and life to his skin, and he seems to naturally breathe and pump blood through his heart (*Sanguine Humor). He even appears alive under inspection by Auspex (*Bright Aura).
Lance usually dresses in black, white, and red, favoring tight black pants (and I do mean tight), flowing white shirts of one variety or another, and some form of red around his neck be it a necktie, cravat, bandanna, or something less standard. He usually wears shoes with a heel to give him at least a little more height. His graceful movements often take the form of idle, almost unconscious dance steps, and he's rarely still for long unless he's intentionally languishing for attention. If you pay close enough attention, you might notice that he appears to be in pain more often than not.

Detailed Status:

  • Acknowledged

Character Information

Known History

Lance is fairly open about where he came from and what he's done in his years. He was born in 1813 in St. Petersburg, Russia to wealthy commoners, though conspicuously not nobility. His father, though, had aspirations of changing that, and was quite dead set on marrying his son off to a noblewoman. Lance never had any interest. His mother played interference as long as she could, fostering her son's love of the arts, especially his prodigious talent at the piano. But that would not last for long, as she wasted away of illness and died when Lance was only ten. The next seven years would see a slow but accelerating breakdown of what little positive relationship he and his father had. His father did his best to force Lance onto whatever eligible noblewomen he could find, while Lance was more interested in dallying with the men of the city. It was also at this point that he did start going by Lancelot, or Lance, rather than Mikhail. His middle name was chosen by his beloved mother, unlike the first name chosen by his hated father and subsequently hated itself. In any case, the relationship grew increasingly dramatically toxic, resulting in a year's worth of something that could only very generously be referred to as a "prank war" and really is better termed "steady escalation." This year ended with his father dismantling and burning for firewood as much of his piano as was safe to do so with, and Lance's final escalation was to make his father warm for the rest of his life. He stabbed the man in the limbs just enough to immobilize him in the night, then set their home ablaze. He was found in the morning, barefoot in his pajamas outside the smoldering ruins as he laughed hysterically in the snow of St. Petersburg winter, courting frostbite in most of his fingers and toes. He was promptly locked away in an asylum. He was only seventeen at the time.
Lance was not an easy patient, and his stay in the asylum was brutal. Years of violent restraint practically destroyed his shoulders, an injury even the Embrace did not fully heal. But four winters later in the early days of 1834, something struck him. He can't quite explain what it was, but it gave him inspiration and desperate drive to stage an escape. He broke loose and went on the run, at least for a short while. Ten days later, late at night, circumstances saw to it that he was shoved off a building, ripping his shoulders out even worse in a failed attempt to catch himself on the way down. A Toreador known as Friar Lawrence found him dying in the gutter. To this night Lance still doesn't know what possessed the man to Embrace him, but the Friar whisked him away to another life - one of being the man's pet redemption project. A soul to be saved, if you will.
They traveled together for the next 188 years, Lance causing problems and Friar bailing him out. At some point or another they came to America. In January of 2022, Lance was struck with a fit of impulsive fancy and fled his sire, stealing Friar's ghoul's car and making his way to the domain of Annapolis. He made to settle there, but Sovereign Prince Rook was (understandably) suspicious of this new Rose's pyromaniac tendencies, and gave him six months to prove himself and earn his residency there. Six months passed, and Lance is pretty sure Rook never actually granted him citizenship but one night just alluded to him already having it. Lance did not question it.
He's been in Annapolis ever since, being an irritation, getting into trouble, and doing ART.




He's not sure anyone would really want to be his ally.


He's probably made quite a few, but he's not sure who they are yet.


A Toreador of considerable age going by the name Friar Lawrence




None that he's ever met, but his sire's old enough that he figures there have probably been others

Character Inspirations



  • "I was lying on the ground to express the agony of the universe, but then I got bored."


  • Lance was poached from Clan Malkavian.