Richard Kent

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Clan Tremere
Position Primogen
Status 2+1
Domain St. Augustine, FL
Coterie ???
Society None
Path Humanity 000
Player Justin S


Primogen Kent, January 2019

Alias(es): None

Real Name: Richard Kent

Apparent Age: Late twenties

Concept: A modern Kindred that wishes to help make technology more important to Camarilla society.

Physical description: Standing at least 5' 9", Richard is a Caucasian male that appears to have a very average physical build. He has short, black hair, a goatee, and green eyes. More often than not, he is seen wearing a business suit and a tie. Every now and then, he wears a pair of spectacles with blue lenses.

Detailed Status: Personal Status - 2; Positional Status - 1
Personal Status:

  • Acknowledged (Former Prince Asher Sinclaire - NPC)
  • Resourceful (Former Tremere Primogen Francisco Palestro - NPC)

Positional Status:

  • Revered (as Primogen)

Character Information

Known History

Basic Timeline
Embraced in 1994, Richard lived the early portion of his unlife in the domain of Savannah, GA. During that time, he spent a year under the Accounting of his sire. At the end of his Accounting in 1995, he was granted the status of Acknowledged by then-Prince Asher Sinclaire. After some time of operating in the domain, he was granted the status of Resourceful by then-Primogen Francisco Palestro.

As of 2013, he moved to the domain of St. Augustine, FL. Unfortunately, Richard was only seen among the court of St. Augustine for two months.

August - Richard resurfaced to the public eye, attending the Nonclave gathering. He did nothing in particular to stand out among those that had come to the weekend gathering, choosing only to engage in conversation and a small debate between Camarilla citizens and a couple of Anarchs from Florida.

December - Richard reappeared in St. Augustine. While there were some new faces in the domain, a few older Kindred recognized him. When asked where he had been for so long, he mostly answered with the reason of "research and studies."

March - Richard was selected to be Tremere Primogen in St. Augustine.
April - The Primogen Council pulled its support of Elijah Mortimer-Hall as Harpy of Clan Malkavian, replacing him with Kevin Cornell of Clan Tremere.
July - Richard was with a group of other Kindred that met with the newly arrived Malkavian elder, Margaret Stapleton. Among the Kindred that evening, Richard was the only Kindred that was teaching Ms. Stapleton about the new technology of the world.
September - Richard was with a group of other Camarilla Kindred that investigated the rumor of an unaging child being an attraction at a local museum of oddities. The party uncovered that the child was a powerful Ravnos, as they were all trapped in a mass illusion of Daedalus's Labyrinth. They all managed to break free of the illusion and remove the Ravnos from the museum, protecting the Masquerade in the process.
October - During St. Augustine's annual Halloween event, this year the Camarilla held their own party at the Nosferatu salon, the Treasury on the Plaza. Richard used the vault chamber to create an escape room, placing several puzzles in the chamber that a group had to solve in order to obtain the code needed for the vault door to open. The escape room was met with much acclaim.
On a different night in October, Richard went with a group of Camarilla Kindred to Palatka in order to aid the Samedi, Papa Mali, with recovering items from the Mirrolands and keeping them out of the Sabbat's hands. Richard and Kevin Cornel, though they got stuck with a group of Anarchs, successfully recovered one item and defeated terrible spectres.

May - Richard went with other Camarilla citizens to investigate the rumor that the residence of local ventrue elder, Tiberius, was attacked. They found signs of forced entry and that someone had been taken from the residence. The group managed to track down the vehicle and ambush the villains that had kidnapped a Camarilla citizen from the residence. It was discovered later that heavy influence was being used by the Sabbat of Jacksonville to place shipping containers of explosives and wights around St. Augustine. Efforts were made over the next few months to discover the containers and neutralize their contents.
September - Richard, along with the rest of the Primogen Council, decided to remove Kevin Cornell as Harpy and replace him with Tarif Naji of Clan Assamite, who was the Sheriff until that very night.
October - Richard attends the Nonclave gathering in Northern Virginia. On the first night, he and a group of Camarilla Kindred, in addition to Independent Samedi Eleanor Watts and a Wraith named Justin Smith, went on a mission into the Shadowlands to combat a powerful spectre to recover a Daeva shard. The group traveled through an area known as the Labyrinth, witnessing the horrors of wraith society before combating the spectre and recovering the shard.
The following night, he went with a group of Camarilla, Anarch, and Independent Kindred on a mission to recover the lost Toreador Primogen of Harrisburg, VA. While on the mission, the group bore witness to what the Daeva were able to do when possessing creatures and objects, many of the group witnessing it for the first time. Despite combating many entities possessed by Daeva, the group recovered the Toreador Primogen and returned her to the care of the Prince of Harrisburg, VA.




Clan Tremere




That information, good citizen, is private.





Character Inspirations

General techno-mages
Dr. Thomas Light - Megaman franchise
Dr. Albert Wily - Megaman franchise


Tremere Chantry - Ambient ASMR
Warhammer 40,000 - Battlefleet Gothic: Armada 2 Soundtrack
Code Monkey- Jonathan Coulton


"Tell me, what is your opinion of (insert name/subject here)?"
"Clan Tremere is always willing to provide aid."
"You cannot possibly believe that the Rebellion will simply sit down and make any agreement with you. They are monsters!"
"Should you require a new computer to be built, I can do that for you. It would be a minor--no, a trivial matter for myself."
"I do believe that technology should be embraced by the Camarilla. Although our elders may be adverse towards it, the younger generation can pick up the reigns and attempt to convince them of its importance."


Richard claims to be an expert at developing computer programs and building computers.
Richard argued at length with an Anarch at the Nonclave gathering of 2015. The argument was about whether or not the Sabbat could be treated with, even on a temporary basis.
Richard clearly believes that science is superior to religion.
Richard often fidgets with small objects, like coins, when he is stressed or uncomfortable.
Richard is the Grumpy Cat of the St. Augustine court.