Richard Levesque

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Clan Tremere
Position Assistant Keeper
Status 1
Domain Twin Cities, MN
Coterie none
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 000
Player Foro Pasquarette



Richard Levesque

Alias(es): None

Real Name: Jonathan Mays

Apparent Age: 34

Concept: PR man / Management Consultant

Physical description: 5'10", wears either suits or "business casual". Walks with a limp and a cane. Blush of Health

Detailed Status:

  • Acknowledged by the Prince of Vienna, Austria (NPC)

Tremere PC ONLY: A2 rank

Character Information

Richard is outgoing, friendly and easy to get along with. He is usually reading business magazines or books, or doing statistical analysis on his iPad.

Known History

Richard has alluded to being in Military Intelligence during the first Gulf War, and that his brother died there as well. He walks with a limp due to a piece of shrapnel that never healed properly and thus uses a cane.

Richard worked in PR and Management Consulting for a variety of clients after his short stint in the military, working with various oil and tobacco companies as well as easier clients. He was embraced in Vienna while on a business trip. He spent 12 years in Vienna (10 years in Accounting - Europe has a much slower pace) before being assigned to the Twin Cities, MN.

Recently, he has been removed as Keeper of Elysium by Prince Syprus Herring, to be Assistant to a new Keeper.



Allies (at least in his mind)

Tremere Prince Syprus Herring Camarilla



Unknown (NPC)





Character Inspirations

Marty Kaan and Clyde Oberholt from House of Lies
Roger Sterling and Don Draper from Mad Men
Nathan Ford from Leverage
Nick Naylor from Thank You for Smoking

Public Relations Ad
Affably Evil - After all, this is still a Vampire...

Visuals and Text


Quotes by Richard

"If we could just change the organizational paradigm, the operational efficiency would be vastly improved."
"Don't worry, it's just an old war wound."

Quotes about Richard


Has some weird blood disease.
Always seems to come out OK when all around him is going to hell...
Is secretly a report-writing robot.
Isn't really a Tremere. His "magic" is actually sleight-of-hand.