Brian Oswald Buckley

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Clan Malkavian
Position None
Status 4
Domain Hartford, CT
Coterie n/a
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 0000
Player James Monty-Carbonari




Alias(es): None.
Real Name: Brian Oswald Buckley
Apparent Age: Mid to Late Twenties.
Concept: Mad Artist
Physical description: A chubby, beareded man with a perpetual smile.
Detailed Status:

  • Acknowledged - Former Prince Checkov
  • Honored - Former Prince Stast of Hartford - Positional
  • Diligent - Former Primogen Eliza of Clan Malkavian
  • Well Known - Former Prince Vivian Davenport of Hartford
  • Respected - Prince Anya of Hartford

Character Information

Known History


Brian does not maintain membership in a coterie, but is very close to The Prince and Seneschal, and other city officials, as well as friendly with the Nosferatu Prince of Westchester Edmond Dantes.


Brian has some connections to the Hartford Arts Council, and maintains membership on their board. The director is a close friend and ally in Brian's struggle to bring Hartford the cultural clout it deserves.


He's such a nice guy, he really doesn't step on many toes. He has a professional rivalry with Toreador Primogen James Norton, but is maintained on friendly levels.


Stephanie Rider, an Anarch Malkavian from Springfield. Not Stephanie Ryder the Gangrel Porn Star.


Brian has no childer, and no current want for any more headaches. Two ghouls are enough trouble. - Note, His two original ghouls were killed under mysterious circumstances. He has been seen recently with the infamous womanizer "Arturo 'Mr. Fandango' Calivari".


Unknown. He lost touch with his sire, and never got to know if he has any other vampiric siblings.

Character Inspirations

  • Salvador Dali
  • Vincent Van Gogh
  • Renee Magritte
  • The Joker
  • Arthur Dent
  • John Malkovitch
  • David Bowie
  • Dom Deluise
  • George Carlins
  • Penn Jillette
  • Hunter S Thompson


  • "I'm Going Slightly Mad."
  • "I am the Walrus"
  • "The Man Who Sold The World"


  • "If you're good at something, never do it for free."
  • "How many cups of darkness have I drunk? Even I can no longer tell..."
  • "If you have to explain a joke, there is no joke!"
  • “Always look on the bright side of Death,
    Just before you draw your terminal breath.
    Unlife’s a piece of shit,
    when you look at it.
    Unlife’s a laugh and death’s a joke it’s true.
    You'll see it's all a show,
    Keep 'em laughing as you go
    Just remember that the last laugh is on you.”
  • "Please, call me Mr. B."


  • Brian has returned to Hartford and been given a special assignment.
  • Brian knows more about the being known as Stitches than anyone
  • Brian has become the defacto leader of a group of Anarchs
  • Brian quit the Camarilla and has joined up with the Anarchs
  • Brian can't handle people not liking him. Maybe that's his derangement?
  • Brian is keeping a hunter locked up for his own purposes.
  • Brian has been performing strange experiments on human subjects. Rumored to have made a kind of Masquerade Gas that only works on mortals.
  • Brian's work often leave the viewers laughing uncontrollably for hours, enhancing his reputation as a genius of comedy.
  • Brian is building something very large in one of his workshops.
  • Brian has been known to develop creepy obsessions with the princes of Hartford
  • Brian has landed a TV show on Comedy Central, and is instantly recognizable to millions of people around the US. (Fame x 5)
  • Brian is suicidal.