Zane Baudin Allaire

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Clan Toreador
Position ???
Status 1
Domain St. Augustine, FL
Coterie ???
Society ???
Path Humanity 0000
Player Zane Baudin Allaire


It's the eyes, the hurt, the anger.

Zane Baudin Allaire

Zane Allaire

Real Name: Zane Baudin Allaire

Apparent Age: 40's

Concept: Entitled Dilettante

Physical description: He possesses a great eeriness, though few seem to be able to put a finger on why. He has wide hungry eyes, his skin too perfect, his teeth too white, his fingers too long and graceful. Both his hunger and his beauty are inhuman.

Detailed Status:
Acknowledged by Prince Cruciano Sepervive of Rome, Italy, 1980

Character Information

Blasé- Zane is not easily impressed by others.

Controllable Thirst- Because Zane spends so much time around mortals, resisting Frenzy caused by the smell, sight or taste of blood is easy for him.

Enchanting Voice- Zane's voice is naturally resonant and commanding. He can seduce, intimidate and cajole with just a few well-chosen words.

Iron Will- When Zane's mind is set, his will is not easily broken. He is not swayed by Dominate, mind-altering magic or mental Thaumaturgy.

Refined- Zane is a member of the elite. He is in his element in high society and he never feels out of place around the "beautiful people."

Eerie Presence- Zane radiates an otherworldly air that causes nervousness and unease in everyone around him. “He possesses a great eeriness, though few seem to be able to put a finger on why. He has wide hungry eyes, his skin too perfect, his teeth too white, his fingers too long and graceful. Both his hunger and his beauty are inhuman.”

Overconfident- Zane has an exaggerated and unshakable opinion of his own worth, and he never hesitates to trust his abilities - even in situations where he risks defeat. Because his abilities may not be enough, such overconfidence can be very dangerous. When he does fail, he quickly finds someone or something else to blame. If he is convincing enough, he can infect others with his overconfidence.

Known History

2021 - Recently arrived in St Augustine from parts unknown.
August 2021 - Strasbourg France







Character Inspirations


