Jakob Phuridae

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Revision as of 23:44, 26 February 2012 by FIB-006 (talk | contribs) (Sire)
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Clan Ravnos
Position None
Status 6
Domain Can usually be found in Springfield, IL
Coterie The Bowling League, Dead Man's Hand (rumored)
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Paradox -
Player Derek



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Alias(es): Hank, Frank, Saul Good, The Maquis de Carabas, and many more...

Real Name: Unknown

Apparent Age: Mid to late Twenties

Concept: Charismatic musician turned brooding anti-hero

Physical description:

Detailed Status:

Character Information

Known History


The Bowling League

The Dead Man's Hand (rumored)



  • Frankie Dean Giovanni
  • Micky Giovanni
  • Brandon Dunsirn
  • Caradoc


Jakob has claimed all of these as his sire at least once:


  • Aidan Flynn
  • Bella Costello


He has lost count of the pile of clanmates that claim to be his "brother" or "sister"

Character Inspirations



  • "Let me ask you something. What is your purpose?"


Jakob and Saul Good's alliance is based on mutual secrets they keep for each other.
Jakob despises the Camarilla and is only still a member because of promises he made.
Jakob died because his infernal contract to protect Saul Good finally ran out.
Jakob is not dead, but just trying to outrun some problems he caused.
Jakob is not dead, but is out searching for his Sabbat lover.
Jakob used to be a Friend of the Family Giovanni until events in St. Louis, MO destroyed that relationship.