Oliver Whitkirk

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Clan Ghoul
Position None
Status None
Domain Columbus, OH
Coterie ???
Society {{{Society}}}
Path Humanity 000
Player Derek Howard



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Alias(es): Unknown, if any

Real Name: Oliver Whitkirk

Apparent Age: Mid to late 20s

Concept: Globetrotting socialite and academic, Well-paid occult consultant

Physical description:

Detailed Status: None. (Tremere only: Acolyte of the Fifth Circle, House Arcanum)

Character Information

Known History

Oliver is a graduate of Oxford with degrees in Linguistics and Art History and has publicly been a retainer for Clan Tremere for just over a year. He is known for having a quick wit and being somewhat insubordinate. Despite this, he is a well liked and loyal retainer to the Clan, able to adapt to many different situations, be it combat or academic studies.





Malcolm Calloway, Clan Tremere

Character Inspirations



"Um no. I enjoy sex, cheeseburgers, and noon too much."- Oliver being asked if he wanted the Embrace


  • While the ghouling process normally grants ghouls the ability to augment their physical capabilities, in Oliver it allowed him to learn the native Tremere discipline of Auspex.
  • Oliver is known for spouting off about his hatred for the Kindred ability to possess others.