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'''Alias(es): '''Affectionately nicknamed Black Widow. Last names of previous husbands: Cross, Marix, Masters, Amadei. aka simply [[Katja Nothing]]. Recent nicknames overheard include "Ramona Flowers" and "Angelina".
'''Real Name: ''' No one seems to know.
'''Apparent Age:''' early 20's
'''Concept: '''Seductress, survivor.
'''Physical description:''' Red hair, green eyes. Willowy. Very short and tiny - 4'11". Favors dark eye makeup, dark lipstick, and pants, though she will wear skirts and dresses when pressed. She tends to wear button-down shirts at her Court, shirts that seem to rapidly lose buttons on a predictable basis.
'''Detailed Status: '''Acknowledged, Feared, Feared, Loyal, Revered, Well-Known, Famous, Exalted
<h2>Character Information</h2>
She's been everywhere and nowhere. Always in the background, always the source of the cynicism, dry wit and scathing snark from the back of the room. When she'd gotten off the plane at O'Hare International Airport in September of 1997, she'd had a thick Russian accent, a moderate grasp of the English language, a pair of four-inch stiletto boots, a pack of cigarettes, a tattoo of six numbers on her left forearm, and jaded eyes. Only the accent and the linguistics have changed in the past thirteen years.
The woman is never seen in public without at least one man on her arm, whether it's a husband, a childer, a fellow clanmate, an Archon, a Prince...you name it. At large events and gatherings, she invariably has multiple dates...and an entourage to boot, mostly men of high standing and Camarilla position. She's left a string of dead husbands in her wake, none, she will assure you kindly, deceased by her own hand. Some of the Brujah call her "Black Widow" behind her back. And to her face.
But she can charm them, somehow; she's always got a wink and a smile, a throaty laugh and a sly sidelong look for those she calls "her boys". If she ''really'' likes you, she'll shower you with little endearments: pumpkin, sugar, honey, sweetheart, darling. She's fiercely protective of those she calls family, and unendingly loyal to those that she loves. G-d help you if you so much as look at her childer sideways...or, worse, lay hands upon her husband [[Emery Llyandryn]].
It seems like she knows nearly everyone, almost everywhere. She boldly calls several Archons by their first names rather than their titles, reminding some of them not-so-subtly that she remembers when they were just little stripling things, learning at her knee or fighting by her side. At the Springfield Conclave of 2001, she'd gotten more applause than some of the Justicars when she was introduced, irritating then-Justicar Malaphar of the Tremere considerably.
She's not much like the rest of the Rabble, at least, as far as outward appearances go. Sure, she's quick-tempered, but that's pretty much where the similarity ends. She doesn't go in for pack mentality, and has dug in her heels on a number of issues that have occasionally put her at odds with her own Clan. Especially after she took Praxis of Chicago from Petronius. Now her speech is more florid and formal, her dress conservative, her smile a bit more forced, her movements deliberate, her alliances careful. Don't let it fool you, though. She's still as deadly as ever.
==Known History==
Was an inmate of Auschwitz prior to Embrace. A resident of Chicago since 1997. Has outlived four Kindred husbands in thirteen years. Resided in Champaign under Princes James Jones and Philip Walkin. Was Archon Jon Sebastian's constant companion for several years, the two were rarely seen apart. Fought alongside former Justicar Masako in the Sabbat siege of Chicago in 2000. Took Praxis of Chicago from Justicar Petronius in December of 2009.
"Heavens no, darling. We simply have a blended family. Like the Brady Bunch. Was the Brady Bunch a coterie? Of course they weren't, and neither are we."
Married to [[Emery Andrew Llyandryn]]. For the time being, anyways.
Archon [[Jon Sebastian]], Archon [[Jack Sebastien]] (no relation), Archon [[Leonius Agrippa]], Archon [[Victoria Hunter]], Archon [[Zio!]], Prince [[Hazzan Marwan]], [[Kurt Mehmet]], [[Artemis]], [[Johnathan Gwynn]], [[Blackwood X]], [[Dugan McKinney]], [[Donovan Creave]], to name a scant handful. She may or may not have been involved politically or romantically with [[Sheldon Goldstein]], briefly, depending on who you talk to.
She is exceptionally fond of the Children of Haquim in general and very friendly with almost all members of that family locally, as well as a good handful nationally as well.
Apparently is Public Enemy #1 where the Tremere are concerned.
[[Leon Pompeii]] absolutely loathes her and all of her House. So does [[Cesario Pompeii]].
Refers to [[Paul Walker]] as her "nemesis", though rumor has it that they've recently decided to hate other people.
Unknown. Was a drive-by embrace.
"Biological": [[Silas Christian]], [[Oliver Freigh]], [[Mila Nothing-Llyandryn]]
"Stepchildren": [[Spectre Llyandryn]], [[Connor Llyandryn]], [[Ian Llyandryn]], [[Slevin Llyandryn]]
==Character Inspirations==
Physically, a young Shirley Manson. In concept, I owe a lot to Edith Hahn Beer and Art Spiegelman.
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/FemmeFatale Femme Fatale]
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GreenEyedRedhead Green Eyed Redhead]
[http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/TheWomanWearingTheQueenlyMask The Woman Wearing the Queenly Mask]
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AzrLCSoIhfc "Salvation" - Scanners]
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Nr33m1zXVE "Beautiful Dirty Rich" - Lady Gaga]
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u4FF6MpcsRw "Piece of Me" - Britney Spears]
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VCLxJd1d84s "Buttons (f. Snoop Dogg) - Pussycat Dolls]
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tuQ_22_S5LE&feature=fvst "Army of Me" - Bjork]
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SEkbaVeYgWA "Prince" - Deftones (Bassnectar Remix)]
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S91lMr9TsVI "Hardest of Hearts" - Florence + the Machine]
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J6XxIgZe-OY "The Fuel" - Sneaker Pimps]
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PsO6ZnUZI0g "Stronger" - Kanye West]
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_p_MvePxC4w "Paradise Circus (Gui Boratto Remix)" - Massive Attack]
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WOXiMphLSrE "The Rest for the Wicked" - Soho Dolls]
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=73y5sL7OI2A "Fences" - Paramore]
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FDLArCJ5rRo "Up on the Ladder" - Radiohead]
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_NqTEVtbf9U "Hips Tits Lips Power" - Pigface]
[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8d7yZQkuMt8 "So Damn Clever" - Plain White T's]
"She makes an excellent projectile."  ~[[Jon Sebastian]]
"[[Katja Nothing]] is my kinda lady. Headstrong, intelligent, ambitious.  It's too bad the Children of Haquim are dragging her down." -[[Johnathan Gwynn]]
"You're certainly not the ''typical'' Brujah." - [[Preston Jonas DeWinter]]
"I want to be you when I grow up." - [[Lena!]]
[[Paul Walker]]: Emery, I'm sorry things didn't work out between you and Katja. I'm planning a golf outing next week for the rest of Katja's exes. You should come along.<br>
[[Emery Llyandryn]]: What? You guys have a club? Like the 7 Evil Exes from Scott Pilgrim?<br>
[[Paul Walker]]: Oh, there's a lot more than 7 of us, Emery.<br>
* All her dates to Midwinter have ended up as Archons within a year.
* Was affiliated with the Setites for some time in the late nineties. She got over it.
* It is speculated that some if not all of the individuals she claims are her "children" are not, in fact, her own.
* Some think she may have been a Hunter childe rather than a real Brujah.
* All of her children are instructed to address [[Victoria Hunter]] as "Auntie".
* Some of her childer refer to [[Johnathan Gwynn]] as "Uncle Johnny".
* May have addressed a few Justicars publically by their first names...and gotten away with it.
* May be having "marital difficulties".
* Malaphar wanted her destroyed at the 2001 Conclave for recieving more applause during presentations as her Clan representative than he did as a Justicar. Thus began her trouble with the Tremere.
* Supposedly hates women, and only tolerates them publically because she has to.
* Seems increasingly distracted as of late.
* Texts more than a fourteen-year old girl. Her phone rarely leaves her hand.
* [[Paul Walker]] is the de facto leader of her League of Evil Exes.

Latest revision as of 16:18, 30 January 2012

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